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Astro Corner


Don’t Make A Gemini Angry Unless You Want Trouble

5 Min Read

You've probably heard that Geminis have two sides to their personality. Honestly, that's an understatement. Cross a Gemini, and you'll see their dark side emerge…

Here’s What Happens When You Stop Chasing A Scorpio Man

9 Min Read

You've been putting in work trying to get that Scorpio man's attention. Always texting first, planning dates, letting him know you care. But it feels…

7 Giveaway Signs A Scorpio Man Is Obsessed With You

11 Min Read

You know you've got a Scorpio man hooked when he starts getting possessive. That penetrating gaze that seemed sexy at first can get old very…

6 Reasons Why Geminis Are So Attracted To Libras

8 Min Read

If you're a Gemini and feeling attracted to Libras lately, it's not just romance that's drawing you in. You've probably noticed most of your friends…

Mars In Scorpio Man Turn-Ons: Channel His Intensity

7 Min Read

You've heard that Mars in Scorpio guys are intense, but do you know what really gets their engines revving? Whether you've got your sights set…