These days, it seems like cannabis lovers can implement numerous ways to consume it. They can opt for edibles, CBD, THC, dabs, etc. But it appears to be like the most popular way to consume it is by using the omnipotent bong.
It seems like this is the method that will never go out of style. But the question is, what is bong actually? Also known as binger, bubbler, and billy, it represents a water pipe utilized to smoke cannabis and it has been around for centuries.
Now, if you’re relatively new to this, yet you would like to give it a try and truly enjoy it, then maybe these tips below that we put together might just help you accomplish this. Let’s check them out together!
Different Ways To Smoke Out Of A Bong
Try Out Quartz Banger
If you are yearning for enhanced quality and efficacy in terms of concentrate consumption, then you should purchase a quartz banger for the dab rig. What’s so great about it? Namely, it makes the most out of your rosin, wax, or shatter by optimizing the taste of terpene via accurate vaporization and heating methods.
Additionally, it maintains a lower temperature for a long period of time, which is perfect for consuming particular concentrates. What’s interesting is the fact that a lot of experienced banger users believe that it’s a much healthier alternative in comparison to smoking flowers simply because it doesn’t need combustion in order to activate the cannabinoid properties.
What else is worth mentioning? A quartz banger is generally utilized with a dab rig oil and it comes with a bucket or dish that holds the concentrate. Once the concentrate vaporizes in it, aromatic oils and/or terpenes are released providing a great flavor.
What About An Ice Catcher?
In case you didn’t know, some of these pipes come with ice catchers, even though you do not need to have these small notches in order to employ ice, however, there are several benefits of utilizing ice for your next bong experience and they include:
- It allows you to take longer hits due to the fact that the ice cools the smoke further
- It filters the smoke furthest since it makes another element for the smoke to go through
- It improves the flavor because there is an additional layer of filtration
- It acts as a splash guard, particularly if it is positioned beyond the water chamber
All in all, it’s safe to say that ice offers a much smoother and milder hit and you don’t need lots of it to accomplish this. Approximately four to six ice cubes are totally fine.
Adding More Suggestions Below
Hit Stacking
Over the past couple of years, this has become one of the most popular methods to enjoy smoking with a bong. What does hit stacking represent? Namely, just imagine that you are smoking the bong and the smoke isn’t going up to the mouthpiece.
That’s exactly what this method is. What will happen to the smoke then? It’s going to stay in the tube and chamber until you decide to inhale it, enabling you to stay employing your bong much longer.
Furthermore, if you wish to stack bong hits, you can do so by inhaling slowly over time. Inhale until you are out of breath and then gradually take the bowl back so you can fill the chamber with smoke.
And as the last step, take the bowl out completely and make sure to inhale fast. If you manage to do this successfully, you will get a large quantity of smoke all at once.
An Amusing French And Snap Inhale
Now, here’s one tactic that’s going to blow your mind. While the Snap Inhale and the rings may suggest smoking ability, the French Inhale, on the other hand, has been around for quite some time and it is pretty popular among bong users.
Now, if you decide to use a bong, detaining the smoke in your mouth might just be a bit more difficult for you rather than quickly inhaling it into the lungs. Once you start inhaling it, gradually fill your mouth with smoke.
Further, once it begins exiting your mouth, be sure to inhale through your nose. In case you didn’t know, it’s actually possible to split the French Inhale in half by employing your tongue.

It doesn’t matter whether you are relatively new to this, or not, it’s always beneficial to uncover some interesting and new methods that are going to further improve your experience with a bong.