You’ve probably heard people talk about vibrations and energy before and wondered what it really means to have “good vibes.” It may surprise you or not, but we’re all vibrating at different frequencies based on our moods, thoughts, and actions. A high vibration represents positive energy, while a lower vibration indicates negativity or fear.
If you’re curious about your own vibration levels and whether you’re walking around with good energy, there are some clear signs to look out for.
What Does It Mean To Have High Vibration?
To have a high vibration means you resonate at a high frequency. You feel good and light almost all the time. It’s not just how you feel yourself, but others can feel it too when they’re around you. Your vibe is what you give off from the inside, and people pick up on that.
If you’ve got a high vibration, the people around you feel comfortable and happy, and good things just seem to come your way without trying too hard. It’s like whatever you do turns to gold! You naturally attract positive things that fit with your goals and what you want. You’re a magnet for all the good in life.
You Spread Positive Energy

You uplift others and spread good vibes. The way you carry yourself just makes people feel good. It’s like your energy just brightens up the whole room. People will straight up tell you that being around you is like having your own personal ray of sunshine. They just feel at ease when you’re around. You’ve got a gift for making people feel good.
You Value Personal Growth
You’re the type of person who’s always looking to improve yourself. You’re constantly reading books and taking online classes to learn new things and expand your mind. Not only that, but you make sure to follow people online who can help you grow, too. Instead of wasting your time with the regular news, you prefer following motivational things on social media.
You Practice Self-Care
You make self-care a priority. Things like meditation, yoga, eating well and working out are just something you have to do for yourself. You’re not afraid to say “no” if you’ve got too much going on or if someone is bringing you down. Taking care of your mind and body is your priority.
You Appreciate The Simple Things

You find beauty in small details and appreciate simple pleasures. A sunrise, a smile from a stranger, a hot cup of coffee. You notice life’s little gifts.
You Trust The Universe
You just have this strong belief that everything will work itself out for the best. Even when things are tough, you know that something good has to come around eventually. You believe in the laws of the universe and feel really secure knowing that you’ve always got some kind of guidance and protection watching over you. No matter what happens, you’ve got this unshakable faith deep down inside.
You Embrace Change
You know that change is inevitable, so you go with the flow. Even big changes don’t phase you, you see them as chances to learn and grow. And you always roll with whatever adjustments come you way because every challenge makes you better in the end.
You’re An Empath

You tend to take on the emotions of people around you. On one hand, that can feel super intense sometimes when people are really feeling something. But it also lets you really understand others on a deep level. At the same time, you know you aren’t a sponge – even if someone’s being a downer, you’ve got ways to get rid of all that absorbed energy.
You Have An Open And Curious Mind
You always are curious to learn about new things and different people. You’re always full of questions when you meet someone from another culture or who believes in something different. And you really respect everyone, no matter what they’re into or what they look like. You’re super open-minded, always looking to understand other points of view.
You Value Authenticity
You prefer real, meaningful connections over superficial small talk. You’d rather talk about what really matters than just chit-chat about the weather. You’d rather invest your time in people where you can get real with each other.
You See Challenges As Opportunities
You believe that everything that challenges us is a chance to improve ourselves or get stronger. It’s all about using the bad things that happen as opportunities to learn and become better.
You Practice Mindfulness

Whether you meditate, do yoga, keep a journal or simply sit in silence, taking those few minutes or hours to be fully in the now feel so valuable to you. You believe that the present is the only time any of us have power to make positive changes.
You Have A Strong Intuition
High vibration people are naturally intuitive and in tune with that little voice inside. If someone says to go one way but your intuition says another, you’ll follow your feeling instead.
Animals Are Attracted To You

Have you ever noticed how animals just seem drawn to you? Like dogs are constantly wagging their tails when you’re around, cats sleeping on your chest or rubbing up against your legs, birds are chirping extra loud. That’s a sign that your vibrations are high. Animals can sense energies that people usually miss. They can feel how loving and happy your vibe is, so they want to be near you.
People Give You Looks or Stare At You
As someone vibrating at a high frequency, you naturally attract attention and curiosity and people will often look or even stare at you.
Others can sense there’s something different about you, even if they don’t know exactly what it is. The way you carry yourself and your positive energy really grabs people’s attention. Without even trying, you might make someone feel better or give them a little encouragement.
You’re Feeling Grateful For Everything
You know that being grateful is really important for being happy and lucky. Instead of jumping out of bed and rushing into your normal routine, you always take a few minutes when you wake up to think about all the things you’re thankful for. Starting your morning by feeling grateful really sets the tone for the rest of your day in a good way. Having an attitude of appreciation makes you a high vibration person who’s always in a positive mindset.
Babies Stare At You
Did you know babies can see auras and energies just like animals? If you ever notice a baby staring at you in the store or on the bus, it’s probably because they’re seeing your good vibes. Babies are super sensitive, and they are able to see how happy or calm someone is just by looking at their energy.
You Keep Finding Pennies

When you’re feeling good and putting out positive energy, the universe wants to let you know you’re on the right track. Finding pennies is one of the spiritual signs that you are a high vibration person. Every penny you see on the sidewalk or in the parking lot is there to remind you that your vibes are strong. It means you’ve got the power to make things happen just by thinking about them. If you find a penny, hold onto that feeling because it means you can manifest anything!
Keep Your Eyes Open
The more signs you see in yourself that show your spiritual progress, the closer you are to really feeling that transcendent state of being. Keep at it with your daily practices to raise your vibration. Pay attention to how your thoughts and actions make little ripples that lift people up, including yourself. When you put in the work on your inner self, the outside starts changing, too.