
Are you curious about the hidden messages in your dreams? In our dream dictionary, you’ll discover interpretations and symbolism for all kinds of dreams – both common and uncommon. Simply click on the magnifying glass icon above, type in your dream, and uncover its true meaning.


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Friendly Fox In A Dream: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism

Dreams about foxes can have a variety of interpretations and often relate to themes like…

6 minut čtení

4 Spiritual Explanations For Hearing Your Name Called In Dreams

"Ellen! John!" Do you ever have that happen where you're sleeping and all of a…

9 minut čtení

Dream About Blood Coming From Your Private Area (6 Meanings

Sometimes, dreams can be confusing, alarming, and downright weird sometimes. But learning what dreams like…

7 minut čtení

What Recurring Dreams About The Same Place Really Mean

You know the feeling. That strange yet familiar setting that keeps popping up while you…

8 minut čtení

Recurring Dream About Missing A Class (Spiritual Meaning)

Have you ever had that dream where you show up to school and realize you…

8 minut čtení

Dream About Picking Udara: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism

Ever had one of those weird dreams where you're just going around picking fruit off…

6 minut čtení