
Are you curious about the hidden messages in your dreams? In our dream dictionary, you’ll discover interpretations and symbolism for all kinds of dreams – both common and uncommon. Simply click on the magnifying glass icon above, type in your dream, and uncover its true meaning.


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Sen o vaně (plná špinavé vody, přetékající)

Bathtubs are considered a symbol of cleansing or getting rid of something bad in dreams.…

4 minut čtení

Dream About Moon Falling To Earth – Its Surprising Meaning & Symbolism

Dreaming about the moon falling to the earth sounds more like a scene from a…

4 minut čtení

Dream About Eating Poop: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism

Dreaming about eating poop is..let's put it this way - really weird. It's definitely one…

6 minut čtení

Dream About Finding A Pearl In An Oyster – Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism

If you are lucky enough to find a pearl in an oyster in your dream,…

4 minut čtení

Dream About Buying Groceries For Yourself or Someone Else (Meaning)

Buying groceries is a fairly common dream symbol with more spiritual meaning than you might…

4 minut čtení

Spiritual Meaning of Not Dreaming (No, It’s Not A Bad Thing)

Every morning, you wake up and can't remember if you dreamed at all the night…

8 minut čtení