Your Higher Self is best described as an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being who is one’s real self.
Your higher self is the real you, the soul consciousness that is so, so much more than the physical form you know so well.
Your higher self is the you that is unlimited and eternal. It’s the part of you that excites you with inspiration, guides you with intuition and teaches you through insight.
Today I want to share with you, signs you are embodying your higher self.
Some of the following signs can also be looked at, as ways, you can apply to embodying your higher self.
Unplugging from the matrix
You become aware of the matrix & realize we live in a multidimensional matrix! you become aware of the hidden agenda of those who want to control the planet & no longer fall for the trap & their subliminal messages. You have had enough of the mindless consumerism & the strategies they use to make you not feel enough.
Expressing your emotions
You are no longer suppressing your emotions, instead you are embracing them & allowing them to flow through you.
You experience synchronicities and are very aware of the messages & signs the universe are sending you.
Extra Sensory Perception
Your intuition is developing rapidly & you are able to access to information & wisdom through your senses. Some of these could include clairvoyance, clairaudience abilities, out of body experiences & lucid dreaming.
Powerful manifestations
You realize that your thoughts become your reality. So much that literally whatever you think about usually manifest. you realize your power & the power of your thoughts & intentions. As a result, you also become a much faster manifester!
You know you have a soul mission & you know what it is
You realize you are here for a purpose, maybe you knew all along, but now you are sure. In fact, you might find out what your soul mission in this life time is with your intuition and sense being turned on as you embody your higher self.
Healing powers
With you taking in your powers, you might get into healing modalities, like reiki, soul retrieval or other energy work that deal with manipulating energy to remove & clear blockages.
Transcending your shadow self
You become aware of your own shadows & you embrace it. you don’t try to change them but integrate them & accept them. They made you, you! You now use that to transcend into becoming more aligned with your higher self.
Rapid changes as your frequency rise
As your frequency changes, & for many this is happening rapidly, people & things start to fall out of your holographic reality as you evolve into becoming your best version. you are always attracting new people, new places, new things & events into your life in line with your higher self.
No more guilt or shame
Two of the most lowest frequencies & energetic blockages in humanity! but unfortunately we all have them. There are the root of all disease & toxicity in our lives. part of shadow work that has to be cleared & released.
Honest with yourself & others
You are no longer afraid to say no to others. You are aware when you are doing things because you want to or because you want to please others.
You view everyone as equal
No more putting others on a pedestal. You are your own teacher & guru, others are just a reflection of your own unlimited potential. You realize you are the master of your own reality.
Harmonious relationships
Especially family relationships! you no longer get triggered by them & spending time with them doesn’t drive you insane! you have cleared the cords of attachments & karmic ties with them & accept them for who they are. You accept you cannot change them, instead you love them for the way they are & realize without them you wouldn’t have gone through the journey you’ve been on – & that includes all the pain they caused.
Unconditional self-love
Self-love is very helpful, as you learn to love yourself, you no longer feel the need to extract love from others. you are the infinite source of your own love. There is a pretty cool complete self-love blueprint .
Meeting your tribe
As you walk your path, heal, work on yourself & embody your higher self, you meet the right people who you were seeking all along.
Inner & outer abundance
As you embody a state of inner abundance through self love & self care, that gets reflected to your outer reality.