Many are familiar with the renowned clairvoyants Baba Vanga and Nostradamus, whose predictions proved remarkably prescient. However, fewer know of Jeane Dixon, a woman whose visions appeared to foresee coming events.
Jeane Dixon was a world-famous American astrologer, clairvoyant, and psychic who became famous for her predictions. Born Lydia Emma Pinkey in 1904 in Medford, Wisconsin, she developed an interest in astrology and the occult from a young age. In the 1920s, she moved to Washington D. and began practicing astrology under the name Jeane Dixon.
Jeane was both beloved and ridiculed during her lifetime. More than 400 newspapers worldwide published her horoscopes, with famous people (actors, singers, politicians) traveling to receive astrological analyses from her. Notably, Jeane predicted several events that did indeed come to pass.
Dixon’s Predictions That Came True
Jeane Dixon made some predictions that ended up coming to pass. The following includes some of her more notable forecasts that proved accurate:
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
Dixon predicted that Robert Kennedy, JFK’s brother, would be assassinated after making a bid for the presidency. He was killed in 1968 during his presidential campaign.
This was one of her predictions that came to fruition, lending credibility to her claimed ability to foresee forthcoming events. The accurate predictions helped bolster many peoples’ faith in her powers of prognostication. According to Authentic Wisconsin, people started calling her the “the Seeress of Washington.“
The 9/11 Attacks
Dixon claimed to have predicted major terrorist attacks on the United States, saying, “Horror of horrors! War will engulf the entire world for decades. Terror will be rampant. Famine and plagues will follow in its wake.” The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 occurred.
The Challenger Disaster
Dixon predicted a space shuttle disaster, saying, “Astronauts will be doomed when spacecrafts break apart in midair.” Tragically, shortly after the Challenger’s launch in 1986, the spacecraft exploded, resulting in seven fatalities among the crewmembers onboard.
The Fall of The Soviet Union
Dixon reportedly predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, saying, “Russia’s newfound period of independence and autonomy would be brief, as the malign influences responsible for instigating revolution in that nation would soon resurface.” The Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.
21st Century Predictions
Jeane predicted that, around 2020, Russia would become the center of all evil in the world and would start a third world war around 2020. This conflict would spread to include almost every country, leading to millions of deaths before its end.
Some believe that she forecasted the Russian military invasion into Ukraine in 2022. Her predictions on the matter, however, were conveyed in non-specific, general terms, as she did not provide a definitive date or year in her statements regarding the potential conflict.
Dixon also predicted that the end times and the second coming of Christ were imminent. She claimed that Armageddon would begin in 2020, during the world war, and that the world would end between 2020 and 2035. With just over a decade until that date, some wonder if her prophecies could still happen, though most experts consider her end times predictions to be implausible.
Interesting Facts About Jeane Dixon
- Jeane Dixon passed away one year after the death of the renowned Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga. Vanga passed away in 1996, Dixon in 1997.
- Dixon authored “Horoscope for Dogs,” a publication that was both beloved and ridiculed by certain audiences.
- She was renowned for providing counsel to Nancy Reagan, a prominent American actress and First Lady of the United States.
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