The mind is a powerful thing. It can bring up some of our most pleasant memories, and it can also bring back some of our most painful ones. I’m sure we all have had dreams about ex-partners, but what does it mean when you dream about your ex? Do these dreams tell us anything about ourselves, or are they just random thoughts? Let’s find out!

Dream about an ex and its general meaning
The dream of an ex is associated with powerful emotions. However, what does it mean to see a former boyfriend or girlfriend in a dream? The first and quite obvious meaning is longing. Especially if the initiator of the separation was not you but your ex, it is entirely natural that you miss them; you often think about them and the moments you spent together.
If your ex appears too often in your dreams, you still have unresolved feelings for them and will not forget them as soon as you like. But what if, despite your feelings for your ex-partner, your relationship was not imitative; there were betrayals and numerous understatements?
Another possible reason why you have the dream with your ex is nothing but a warning against making wrong decisions and summarizing your feelings about the new relationship — you are full of fear of another toxic relationship.
And what if you are currently in a relationship with someone, happy and looking forward to a bright future, but your ex keeps appearing in your dreams? This could signify that it’s not worth making the same mistake again. Your unconscious is speaking to you and wants you to make a change. Otherwise, your current relationship may end up like the previous one.
Last but not least, the recurring dream of your ex indicates that you want to get back together. So let’s look at a few common dreams about your ex.
Dream about ex coming back
Have you ever dreamed that your ex-partner wanted to come back to you or that they asked for another chance? If so, this could mean that you could have made some not-so-good decisions that were necessarily not in line with your beliefs or were influenced by other people.
This could also mean that you’re subconsciously dreaming about what life would be like if you were still in a relationship. Such dreams are usually brought on by stress, loneliness, or feeling guilty for any negative emotions caused by the breakup.
If your brain is trying to send you a message like this, it’s likely because you’re not over the relationship and haven’t moved on. When people dream about an ex that wants to get back together, they might be fostering old emotional connections and rekindling these feelings of longing and desire for this person. But if you decide to move forward with the goal of reconciliation, remember that real life can be much more complicated than we intend. If one or both parties don’t want the same thing anymore, then pursuing such a motion will only perpetuate an unsalvageable relationship—and leave one heartbroken.
Dream about an ex from your childhood/the first love
Such a dream is a clear sign that you long for freedom. If you are in a relationship now, you probably feel bound, as if you were stuck in one place, and you may feel that your current relationship is holding you back, slowing you down, or limiting you in something.
This dream, however, can also indicate a relationship with the person you dreamed of. And at the same time, it can also be a stimulus to refresh childhood relationships, to get in touch with those you haven’t seen since childhood. So, who knows, maybe it will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life!
Dream about an ex with a new partner
This is probably one of the least pleasant dreams if your ex appears in another partner’s company, especially if they want to break up. So what could this dream mean?
There are two interpretations: one is that we have come to terms with the fact that our old love has an entirely new one, and we’re okay with that. We may have heard about that from someone or seen it on a social network the previous day before we dreamed about it.
The second is associated with jealousy, which our current situation can strongly influence. For example, this dream is ubiquitous if you often think about your ex or are addicted to them and can’t stop thinking about them. If your ex cheated on you often, seeing them with a new partner could signify that you still haven’t come to terms with it, or are you afraid that your future partner will also cheat on you.
See also: Affirmations To Help You Get Your Ex Back
Dream about an ex having a child
When you dream about your ex-boyfriend with a child, it can indicate that they are still on your mind. Considering what happened in this relationship, you may not realize how things have changed for both of you. Still, some intimacy-related emotions will come up, which might make sense now.
It is worth considering what you want and whether you make all decisions in harmony with your elf. For example, the dream of an ex with a child more often appears to women who want to become a mother and wonder how their current partner will perform in the role of a fa her. However, this dream can also be interpreted as an expression of subconscious longing to start a family (for both men and women), plan the future, and think about its responsibilities.
Also, you and the ex-partner may be moving towards reconciliation, consciously or subconsciously. It could manifest your fears about “losing” the role of parent, as some people feel guilt or sadness at having to let go of some aspect of their identity. Or it might mean you are concerned about some part of this person’s life. There are many ways to interpret what it means to dream about an ex having a child. And remember, who knows – it might not even be related to this pe son! Whatever meaning emerges from your dreams will depend on how much importance you place on this person in your life right now.

Dream about an ex crying
It typically means you’re going through a difficult time with your ex. You might be looking for closure or trying to understand why you broke up. You may also struggle with fear of abandonment or rejection as some breakups often trigger these feelings and other worries, such as the fear of intimacy and commitment. It’s important to note whether tears are happy or sad tears – if they represent happy tears, it could mean good things for your future and that you will find someone new who is better than your ex. Conversely, if the dreams feature sad tears, then it could signify feelings concerning sadness, frustration, and regret about what once was between you two.
It could also be that they are saying sorry or feeling guilty. It could also mean you care for them still and need to address the issue, but it may just be your subconscious telling you to move on.
Dream about an ex dying
A dream about an ex-partner dying can be interpreted in many ways. The most common interpretation of your ex’s death is that you are finally letting them go and moving on with your life. You may also feel relief if this person has caused you pain in the past. There are other interpretations, too, like feeling guilty for not telling them how you feel or regretting things said or done.
People who dream about an ex dying are typically looking for closure or trying to get over the breakup. However, it could also mean that they have put too much time into their past relationship, which is holding them back from moving forward.
How to interpret your dream
Whether in a passionate and highly romantic relationship, or rather an abusive one full of arguments, fights, or competition, there’s no doubt that the moment of separation had a significant impact on you. When interpreting your dream, it is essential to consider who wanted to separate; was it you or your ex-partner? Did you break up in a quiet atmosphere or exchange arguments?
Look in the depths of your mind and analyze your current situation. For example, if you want to get back with your ex and think about them every day, you have dreams about them for that reason. However, if you did not think about your ex lately, the reason is probably different.