Thyme is useful in treating acne, has antiseptic, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, and tightens pores. Thyme facial cleanser is very effective not only in the fight against acne but also helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles and soothes and softens the skin.
It is a wholly natural product, which is more effective than cosmetics, and it will cost you a few bucks!
What we need
- 100 ml of witch hazel water
- 6 g of dried thyme
- essential oil of your choice (not necessary)
- 100 ml glass with lid
- Put dried thyme into a glass
- Pour it with witch hazel water
- Close the glass with a lid and shake well
- Keep this glass in a warm place (even a place where the sun shines)
- Let it stand for 2-3 weeks
- After two-three weeks, filter the water through a strainer
- Our facial cleanser is ready to use
Store this glass with facial cleanser in a dark, cool place. Lasts up to three months. Apply this facial cleanser on your face every morning and evening on a cotton swab.