Millions of cosmetic procedures take place every year. Some procedures are very involved, while others are minimally invasive. However, most are done to improve a person’s appearance. From butt lifts to Botox injections, men and women have more options than ever before when it comes to changing their appearance.
However, does this change in appearance automatically lead to a boost in self-esteem? Many people are surprised to find it doesn’t for all individuals. The best plastic surgeons in your area will help set expectations, so every patient is satisfied with the results of the procedure they select.
A Boost in Self-Esteem
Many people state they are unhappy with the way they look today, and this includes both men and women. Research shows happiness and an individual’s self-perception of physical attractiveness are frequently connected. As a result, most patients find they are happier following a cosmetic surgery procedure.
They feel better about themselves, so their quality of life improves. In addition, they state they aren’t as shy or as distressed. However, a person’s expectations before the surgery play a role in their satisfaction with the results.
The Choice of Procedure and Patient Expectations
The choice of procedure affects the boost in self-esteem. A surgery that leads to a drastic change in a person’s appearance typically leads to a bigger boost in self-esteem. Less invasive procedures, such as Botox injections, improve the individual’s self-esteem, but not to the same extent. Just as the changes in their appearance aren’t as noticeable, the boost in their confidence isn’t as great.
A person should not walk into the procedure expecting to be totally transformed. A reputable surgeon will work with the patient to set reasonable expectations to reduce the risk of this happening. In many cases, patients find they need both surgical and non-surgical procedures to achieve the desired look.
Mental Health and Self-Confidence
A person’s mental health plays a role in their self-confidence, and cosmetic procedures cannot address these mental health issues. This is why the surgeon must set expectations prior to any procedure and ensure the patient is comfortable with the expected outcome.
Body dysmorphic disorder is a real concern for some patients. They have a particular body part they obsess over, one that they feel makes them extremely unattractive. Regardless of how many procedures this individual has done, they are never satisfied with the results. They continue to visit the plastic surgeon, hoping for a fix when they actually need therapy to address the body dysmorphic disorder.
One thing to consider is what is leading to low self-esteem. If the flaw is the main contributor, a cosmetic procedure will be of benefit. However, if other areas of the person’s life are leading to self-esteem issues, no procedure will provide a boost in self-esteem.
A person who has realistic expectations will understand what the surgery can and cannot do. For example, it cannot save a marriage or transform a person. Only have a procedure if it is being done for the patient rather than someone else. Have realistic expectations and work with a reputable surgeon.
Meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss the desired procedure, its benefits, and any possible side effects or risks. The more a person knows about the procedure and what they can expect, the happier they will be with the results. A reputable surgeon will turn away patients who they feel aren’t good candidates for a cosmetic procedure, as they know this individual won’t be satisfied. They want what is best for their patients, even when this means saying no.