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Astrologický kout


Uranus In Gemini 2025: What To Expect During This Time

8 minut čtení

On July 7, 2025, Uranus, the planet of innovation and upheaval, will transition from a steady Taurus into a versatile Gemini. This cosmic shift promises…

Moon In The 12th House Synastry: Mystical Attraction

7 minut čtení

Moon in the 12th House adds a layer of intrigue and depth to your relationship that's hard to ignore. It's like having a secret language…

Mars In The 7th House And Spouse Appearance

5 minut čtení

The 7th house is all about relationships, but not just any relationships. We're talking about the big ones – your significant other, business partners, and…

Here’s What Attracts Capricorn Man To Aries Woman

6 minut čtení

Capricorns and Aries might not seem like the most obvious match at first. But there's some serious attraction brewing between them. Just think about it…

Jupiter In The 11th House And Meeting Your Future Spouse

5 minut čtení

If Jupiter's hanging out in your 11th house, you might be in for a cosmic surprise. This celestial setup could lead you straight to your…