Astrology & Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs compatibility, their pet peeves, good traits, bad habits, astrological aspects, synastry, and much more. Scroll down and dive deep into the world of astrology.


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How To Attract a Cancer Woman

Since the Moon is the ruling planet of the Cancer woman, her mood is variable…

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Venus In Taurus With Venus In Taurus Compatibility

Having your Venus in Taurus can be great because Venus really enjoys being there. Venus…

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Meanings of Colors In Tarot: Red For Passion, Blue For Peace

You've probably seen those colorful tarot cards before and were wondering what's up with all…

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New Love Tarot Spread Layout

Are you curious to learn about the potential future of your love life? Are you…

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Manifestation Tarot Spread Layout (9 Cards) – Manifest Your Desires

Ever wondered what the universe had in store for you? Manifestation Tarot spreads provide a…

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Tarot Spread Layout For Travel (7 Card Spread) – Should I Travel?

Traveling the world can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be a difficult…

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