Zákon přitažlivosti

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like, so when you think positively about something, you are more likely to attract situations and circumstances that match your thoughts. When you focus on what you don’t want, you are more likely to attract those things into your life as well.


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The Spiritual Meaning Behind Headaches During The Full Moon

Every time there was a full moon, my head started pounding like a drum circle.…

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Twin Flame Headaches Explained: 8 Reasons Why They Happen

The concept of twin flame headaches may sound weird, but they're actually very common, even…

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Limerence vs. Twin Flame: How To Tell The Difference

Ever met someone and just clicked right away? Maybe it felt like you've known them…

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Ascension Symptoms of Twin Flames: What To Expect On The Path

You've heard of soul mates, but did you know there's something even more intense and…

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Twin Flame Ghost Touches: Telepathic Connection or Illusion?

Have you ever had that weird feeling like your twin flame was with you even…

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The Holy Spirit Tingling Sensation Explained & Why It Happens

Ever had that tingly feeling run down your spine when you're deep in prayer or…

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