Zákon přitažlivosti

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like, so when you think positively about something, you are more likely to attract situations and circumstances that match your thoughts. When you focus on what you don’t want, you are more likely to attract those things into your life as well.


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A Quick “Bubble” Meditation For Letting Go of The Past

Many of us aren't aware of how much our pasts are robbing us of a…

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5 Things To Realize When You Feel Worthless

Positive thinking has become a big phenomenon in recent years and still few of us…

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Powerful Ritual For Money

There are plenty of spells or rituals to attract more money, but not all of…

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Best time for casting spells

Each day is ruled by a planet, and the nature of day corresponds to the…

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Today I’m Living Tomorrow’s Memories

We need to cherish the moments we have in life because they won’t last forever.…

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Sending Love Energy To Someone Far Away

Did you meet someone from another city or even from another country? Do you feel…

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