So you’ve done it again. Said or did something to tick off your Aries friend or partner, and now they’ve gone radio silent. The silent treatment – an Aries specialty.
As an Aries myself, I know this maneuver all too well. We can go from chatting up a storm one minute to not answering your texts for days the next. The Aries silent treatment often seems to come out of nowhere and it can be maddening trying to figure out why they’ve shut down communications and how long their stony silence will last this time.
But don’t worry, I’m here to give you the inside scoop on the Aries silent treatment so you can navigate it with confidence.
The “Child” of The Horoscope
If you think your Aries has given you the silent treatment, you need to understand where they’re coming from. Aries is the first zodiac of all twelve. Since it’s the first one, Aries is kind of like the “baby” of the zodiac. Think about a baby – when they want something, they want it right away. And when they get upset, you just give them a toy, and they’re happy again. That’s how Aries is.
They’re really passionate and motivated to be the best, just like kids. But their fiery temper and competitive nature can lead to anger or frustration, and that’s usually when they’ll give you the silent treatment.
For Aries, the silent treatment usually only lasts a couple of days. They don’t like dragging things out and would rather deal with conflicts quickly. But how long it lasts depends on how much they feel offended by whatever happened.
Why Aries Give The Silent Treatment
Why do Aries go silent? There are a few common reasons these rams retreat into their shell:
Wounded Pride
Nothing really gets under an Aries’ skin like feeling disrespected or feeling unimportant. We Aries folks, we really value our independence and our pride, so if you do something to embarrass us or make us look foolish in front of other people, ooh boy, just watch out. We’re gonna give you the cold shoulder like you wouldn’t believe.
Total radio silence until you figure out what you did and come groveling with a big, fat apology. And it better be sincere, too – we can smell a fake apology a mile away. You’re just gonna have to admit you were wrong if you want to get back in our good graces.
Until then, don’t even bother trying to talk to us. We’ll be too busy stewing in our anger, coming up with ways we’re gonna get you back someday. The silent treatment is our favorite punishment, so you’ll just have to wait it out. One thing’s for sure – we Aries don’t forget easily when we’ve been disrespected. You’ll be walking on eggshells around us from now on!
Loss of Interest
Aries have short attention spans and get bored easily. If you or the relationship has become dull or predictable, their enthusiasm may wane. The silent treatment is their way of creating distance while they decide whether the connection is worth salvaging.
And another thing about Aries – when they’re feeling disconnected or unsure about the relationship, they’ll often just go quiet for a bit. Give you the cold shoulder treatment while they figure stuff out internally. It’s not the most mature way to handle things, for sure, but it’s how they create some space to think things through and decide if the bond is still strong enough to save. Rather than hashing it out right away, they’d rather retreat into their own head first.
Feeling Smothered
Aries can be a tricky sign to deal with sometimes. They really value their independence and freedom above all else. If Aries starts to feel like their partner is trying to control them or cage them in, they’re going to start feeling real antsy real quick.
That’s when the silent treatment comes out. It’s their way of withdrawing from the situation without having to get into a big blowout fight about it. The silence is how they take back some of that control and space they feel like they’re losing.
The best thing to do is just give them some room to breathe when they get like that. Don’t try to force them to talk before they’re ready, or it’ll only make things worse. They’ll come back around in their own time once they feel in control again.
Telling Them What To Do
Telling Aries what they should do is never a good idea. They are very headstrong and independent, and they know their own minds and don’t like to be told what to do by others.
If you try to tell Aries how they should act or what decisions they should make, they’re not going to be very receptive. In fact, they’ll probably give you the cold shoulder. Aries don’t respond well to being bossed around or having their autonomy challenged.
The problem with trying to dictate to Aries is that it’s a waste of time and energy. No matter how logical or well-intentioned your advice may be, Aries views any directives as an infringement on their freedom.
How Long Typically Aries’ Silent Treatment Lasts
The silent treatment from an Aries rarely lasts long. As one of the most impatient and impulsive signs of the zodiac, Aries tends to express their anger immediately and directly. They typically won’t sulk in silence for extended periods.
3 To 7 Days
On average, you can expect the Aries silent treatment to last around 3 to 7 days. During this time, they need space to cool off and process their feelings. The silent treatment is their way of avoiding a heated argument they may later regret. But their short temper and desire for action means they won’t stay silent for too long.
Once they’ve calmed down, Aries will usually come back around to hash things out. They prefer direct and honest communication over passive aggression. The silent treatment is not meant as punishment but rather as a chance for them to gain clarity and composure before addressing issues head-on.
Over A Week? They’re Done
If it’s been over a week with no contact from your Aries partner or friend, you may need to be the one to initiate a conversation. Let them know you want to work through your disagreement together. Appeal to their straightforward nature by being open, honest, and solution-focused.
Aries isn’t really into giving someone the silent treatment. They’d much rather just talk things out and get everything out in the open. But if Aries goes more than a week without saying anything to you, you can bet that either something’s really bothering them, or they’re just done with you.
What To Do Now?
The most important thing is not to prod or push them to talk before they’re ready. Give them space to cool off and process their feelings. When they do come around, have an open talk to clear the air. Compromise and understanding will be key. With patience and the right approach, you can navigate the Aries silent treatment and come out the other side stronger. The silence won’t last forever, so do your best to ride out the storm.