Addiction is a difficult thing to deal with. Even more difficult is breaking and staying away from that addiction. Though there is no magical formula for success, the following tips can help.
1. Admit There’s An Issue
Unfortunately, denial is a common defense mechanism for any type of addiction, but it’s not helpful. You can’t break an addiction or start to heal if you can’t yet admit there’s a problem. However, once you can admit that something is controlling you and negatively impacting your life, you begin to break its power and can move toward recovery.
2. Get Help
Addiction is more than a bad habit, and willpower alone is typically not enough to break it. You need people and resources that can help you.
Supportive friends and loved ones are important, as you’ll need their support and encouragement to help you in weak times. However, you also need to seek professional help.
Entering a program like Pinnacle Recovery Center can help you recover from a variety of addictions. These programs employ several methods to aid in recovery, which include but are not limited to psychiatric services, behavioral therapy, nutritional support, and more.
3. Be Aware of Triggers
Addictions are often triggered by the presence of certain people, places, images, actions, and smells. If you can determine what your triggers are and avoid them, it can make it easier to stay away from your addictive substance.
For example, if you are dealing with alcohol addiction and have a friend that is always asking you to go to a bar, you’ll need to take some cautionary steps. In some cases, you might be able to explain the situation to your friend so that they’ll stop mentioning the bar around you. In other cases, it might take cutting ties with that friend.
While this would be sad, you have to keep in mind your goal – to live free from your addiction. That’s difficult to do when something or someone is always calling you back to it.
It’s important to understand that triggers are not wholly responsible for relapse. Instead, they are simply triggering a craving or temptation that is already present. However, staying away from those triggers can play a role in avoiding relapse.
4. Exercise and Mindfulness
Beginning an exercise program can aid in recovery in multiple ways, including those listed below.
- Exercise helps to reduce stress, which is a common cause of relapse.
- It releases endorphins, which are known as the “happy hormone.” They help your mood stay lifted.
- Sleep can be a challenge during recovery. Exercise can improve the quality of sleep you get as well as how long you sleep. Not being rested can make it harder to fight withdrawal symptoms and temptation when they arise.
- Exercise increases energy levels, which fights lethargy that is common in recovery.
5. Find New Outlets
In recovery, you’ll have bad days. Stress will arise, arguments will occur, self-esteem will take its toll, and more. During those times, chances of relapse can be high – unless you find another outlet.
Exercise is fantastic and provides many benefits, but you should consider adding other activities to your routine. Things like painting, dancing, playing sports, knitting, and reading can help.
Whether you are addicted to food, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, or another substance, you don’t have to let it control your life any longer. Start with the tips listed here, take a deep breath, and be patient with yourself as you begin this rewarding journey.