There are many different sleeping positions that people often assume throughout the night. Some people may switch between multiple positions, while others find one comfortable spot and stick to it. Different positions can offer different benefits for both comfort and health, so it’s important to experiment until you find what works best for you. Here are six of the most beneficial sleeping positions for improved resting.
1. Sleeping on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is generally not recommended because it can put a strain on your back and neck. However, if you find this position comfortable, there are a few pillows you can use to support your head and neck. This position can also help with snoring and mild sleep apnea. You can find a pillow for stomach sleepers that are specifically designed to provide the proper support. Additionally, placing a pillow underneath your pelvis can help prevent lower back pain. If you do choose to sleep on your stomach, be sure to use a very soft pillow or none at all so you don’t strain your neck.
2. Sleeping on your back
Sleeping on your back is often considered the best position for overall health. It helps keep your spine in alignment and can reduce pain in your neck, shoulders, and back. It’s also beneficial for people who suffer from GERD or acid reflux because it prevents stomach acids from moving up into the esophagus. If you have trouble staying asleep on your back, try placing a pillow underneath your knees to relieve pressure on your lower back. You can also put a small pillow under your head to support your neck. It’s important to not use too many pillows, though, as this can put a strain on your neck and cause pain.
3. Sleeping on your side
Sleeping on your side is another good option for overall health. It helps reduce snoring and can also be helpful for people with mild sleep apnea. Side sleeping can also ease pain in the lower back and hips. If you choose to sleep on your side, be sure to use a pillow that supports your head and neck. Additionally, placing a pillow between your knees can help keep your spine in alignment and relieve pressure on your hips. This position can also help reduce heartburn by keeping your stomach below your esophagus.
4. The fetal position
The fetal position is when you sleep on your side with your knees pulled up close to your chest. This position can help reduce snoring and can also be beneficial for people with GERD or acid reflux. Additionally, it’s a good position for pregnant women because it can help ease back pain and pressure on the stomach. If you choose to sleep in the fetal position, be sure to use a pillow to support your head and neck. You may also want to place a pillow between your knees to reduce pressure on your hips.
5. The log position
This is when you lie on your side with both arms down at your sides, like a log. It’s one of the most common sleeping positions and can help reduce snoring. If you’re struggling with GERD symptoms, however, this may not be the best position for you. This is because lying on your right side can actually make GERD symptoms worse. Additionally, if you’re pregnant, this position can put added pressure on your back. Also, if you have shoulder pain, this position may not be ideal since it can cause your shoulder to fall forward and put added pressure on the joint.
6. The yearner position
This is when you sleep on your side with both arms extended out in front of you, like a yearning dog. It’s similar to the fetal position, but with your arms extended. Additionally, people often curl their legs up while in the yearner position. The yearner position is beneficial for people with back pain, as it takes the pressure off of the spine and allows the muscles to relax. It also helps to prevent snoring and can reduce acid reflux. It’s important to keep your head and neck in alignment while in this position.
There are a variety of sleeping positions that can be beneficial for different people. If you have trouble sleeping, experiment with different positions to see what works best for you. Remember to keep your head and neck in alignment to avoid pain and strain. With a little experimentation, you’re sure to find a position that will help you get the restful sleep you need. It’s important to not use too many pillows, though, as this can put a strain on your neck and cause pain.