If you are an Aries attracted to a Virgo, I have good news and bad news for you. Let’s start with the bad one.
According to modern astrology, Aries and Virgo are not very compatible signs. Aries represents aggression, fire, fury, uncertainty, and passion. Virgo, on the other hand, is an earth sign representing stability, thinking, analyzing, carefulness and certainty. The combination of these star signs sounds like a good recipe for a potion that will get you drunk and make you feel good, but when you sober up, you’ll realize what you’ve done.
The good news is that opposites attract. And I really mean it. I personally do believe that when two people are too similar or share the same planetary position or element, sooner or later, their relationship falls into a stereotype, or they will be bored and seek entertainment or excitement elsewhere.
Aries and Virgo are opposites who tend to be immensely (sometimes inexplicably) attracted, and here are six reasons why.
Aries Are Attracted To Virgo’s Patience And Approach To Life
Arians and Virgos have entirely different approaches to life. Virgos are perfectionists who are very careful and detail-oriented. They plan everything to avoid any problems or complications and are quite patient. They also have a strong sense of responsibility and like to be in control of everything.
They want to follow a schedule and always ensure they have everything under control. That’s why they are usually called ‘control freaks.’ On the other hand, Arians are spontaneous and creative. They tend to be impatient and ambitious, they like to take risks, and are self-confident, but sometimes they can be insensitive or disrespectful.
Aries only sees one meter ahead and no longer thinks or cares about what’s after that, while Virgo sees more into the distance and knows that if they don’t have a backup plan, things will go downhill or that sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say everything that is on their heart.
This is not something that an Aries would immediately find attractive. They usually only find it attractive when something goes wrong. They will realize that Virgo was right or that they did the right thing. Aries see this as something they want to achieve as well, and they want to have such a person around them.
Virgos will teach Aries that life is not a footrace nor a sprint but a long-distance run that requires lots of discipline, patience, and self-control. They will also help them realize that patience pays off and can make life a lot easier.
Virgos Are Supportive And Reliable
Aries is a fire sign that is super active, energetic, courageous, and strong-headed. If there is something they want, they go after it with all their might. They are like a bull that sees nothing but a red rag. However, when obstacles or other complications appear on their path to success, their hope and strength die as quickly as their initial desire to begin.
If something does not work out the way they want it to, Aries can become frustrated and lose trust in the situation or person they are working with. They need constant reassurance that things will turn out how they want them to.
Virgos are incredibly supportive and understanding of Aries, which can help them stay on track and not lose hope. Virgos also have an excellent sense of other people’s feelings and can help Aries deal with their temper and impatience. Virgos can also be a bit bossy with Aries, but they generally know what’s best for them and are more likely to get them to do what they need!
Virgo is the one who will support Aries and tell them not to give up just because something went wrong. Aries can be stubborn as hell, but trust me, Virgo is one of the few star signs that can soften their head and get them back on track. Aries naturally find this attractive and want to have such a person by their side.
Virgos Can See Through People
Virgo’s greatest asset is its mind. They can think and analyze in a way that few people can. They can see through the BS and see the truth. And Aries are attracted to this because they simply can’t do it themselves.
Aries is a short-sighted sign. They can’t see far, and most of the time, they can’t even see deep into someone or something. It is, therefore, not surprising that they often become victims of various scams because they are too trusting and do not see who the person or company really is. Virgo, on the other hand, can tell at a glance what someone is thinking or who they really are. They have the ability to sense when something is wrong and see through people like through glass.
Aries find this unique quality particularly appealing, as having such a person by their side would make their lives easier. Virgo can sense what they want or desire by looking at Aries without them saying anything, which is alluring to Aries (especially in the bedroom.)
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Virgos Make Aries Feel Safe And Secure
Aries are impulsive individuals who are always on the move. And if it’s not the physical movement, it’s their thoughts that are constantly spiraling in their heads. They are energetic and ambitious people who thrive on action and adventure. However, there are times when they feel it’s too much and all they’d like to do is push a button that turns off their brain and body. This is where Virgo comes in.
Virgos are the polar opposite of Aries. They are reserved and wise individuals who are able to recognize when it’s too much and can shut down before their body or mind fails. They know their limits and boundaries and “turn off” in time as soon as they feel signs of fatigue or exhaustion.
This makes them a good partner for Aries. Virgo can sense when Aries are really exhausted or when they’re doing something beyond their limits. They’re not the type of people to just look at them and silently feel sorry for them or force them to do something they don’t like.
Virgo is an understanding zodiac sign that wants its partner to feel safe and comfortable and will go above and beyond to ensure that for their Aries.
Magnetic Physical Attraction
When it comes to intimacy and romance, Aries and Virgos vibrate at the same frequency. Aries is the fire that burns constantly, and Virgo is the gasoline that drops into the fire every now and then and stirs it up. As calm and orderly as Virgo may seem, believe me, they can be wild and passionate in bed!
Aries like passion and action in bed, which Virgos offers. In addition, both Aries and Virgos like variety, experimenting, and trying new things, which makes this attraction even greater (especially at the very beginning of the relationship.) Virgo is a sign that plays on two sides, meaning they like to receive and give, which is ideal for an Aries who thinks of their “own needs” first.
You could almost tell there is some kind of special energy radiating from Virgos that stokes Aries’ fire. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle touch, an eye-to-eye look, or a few words for Aries to melt when they’re around Virgos.
Aries Find Virgo’s Individuality Attractive
One of the most common traits that make Virgos so attractive in Aries’ eyes is their individuality. Virgos are not afraid to be who they are and express their style and interests. They do not like superficiality and do not pretend to be something they are not. They would rather tell the truth or do what is right than lie or pretend.
Aries love people who have a sense of individuality and aren’t afraid to be themselves no matter what. They want someone by their side who doesn’t care what others think of them or their relationship. They want to share their life with someone who gives more focus to their relationship and life than what is happening around them.
You often hear that earth signs don’t get along well with fire signs or that a stubborn Aries can never be in a relationship with a domineering and forever-analyzing Virgo. These two bust the myths about Aries Virgo compatibility and are great proof of how two different signs can perfectly complement and balance each other.