Astrology & Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs compatibility, their pet peeves, good traits, bad habits, astrological aspects, synastry, and much more. Scroll down and dive deep into the world of astrology.


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How Long Does Gemini Stay Mad: From Days To Forever

We Geminis have a short fuse but an even shorter attention span for negative feelings.…

6 minut čtení

Why Geminis Don’t Open Up Emotionally (Written By A Gemini)

So you've got that one friend who's like the life of the party and talks…

7 minut čtení

The Violent Scorpio Man: Passion or Aggression?

You've probably heard rumors about how passionate and possessive Scorpio men can be. While his…

10 minut čtení

Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon: Personality, Secrets & Strengths

Having a Sagittarius Sun and Pisces Moon isn't the simplest situation. On the one hand,…

8 minut čtení

When A Sagittarius Man Kisses You: Expect Passion & Intensity

Kissing a Sagittarius man is quite an experience. They love exploring new things, and kissing…

7 minut čtení

Where Gemini Like To Be Touched: Erogenous Zones Revealed

You know what they say about Geminis—they have a dual nature. But did you also…

7 minut čtení