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Abraham Hicks: How do you get in the vortex?

Q: How do you get in the vortex? A: You reach for the best feeling…

Autor: Denisa K. 0 minut čtení

Birthday Number 15 in Numerology: Meaning and Life Mission

Active and purposeful number one with an adventurous and unbridled number five create an extremely…

Autor: Denisa K. 4 minut čtení

7 vackra citat om hästar för hästvänner

Your horse is a mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what…

Autor: Denisa K. 0 minut čtení

Libra And Sagittarius: Compatibility In Relationship & Friendship

As a Libra and Sagittarius, you and your partner have some natural compatibility. But just…

Autor: Denisa K. 11 minut čtení

17 Wealth Affirmations (images) to Change Your Thought Pattern

You can never create prosperity by talking or thinking about your lack of money. This…

Autor: Denisa K. 2 minut čtení

9 Poderosas Frases de Deepak Chopra

Cuando estás emocionalmente libre haces que otras personas se sientan cómodas y felices junto a…

Autor: Denisa K. 0 minut čtení