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Astrology compatibility, law of attraction, healthy lifestyle, feng shui, chakras, and healing stones.


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Why Things Get Worse Before They Get Better When Manifesting

So, you’ve decided to start manifesting the life of your dreams. You’ve read the books,…

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7 Things That Happen When You Stop Chasing An Avoidant

Have you ever dated someone who seemed hot and cold, never quite committing but not…

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Writing Numbers On Wrist TikTok’s Trend: Does It Work?

You've probably seen those TikTok videos of people writing numbers on their wrists. The latest…

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When A Borderline Splits You Black: Surviving The Discard

Have you been suddenly cut off by someone with borderline personality disorder? One day, you're…

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What Your Sudden Urge To Cut Your Hair Really Means

So there you are, enjoying your usual weekend routine when the urge hits you out…

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Debunking Daily Horoscopes: They Are Stupid And Vague

You've probably read your daily horoscope at some point, whether on some random website or…

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