
Are you curious about the hidden messages in your dreams? In our dream dictionary, you’ll discover interpretations and symbolism for all kinds of dreams – both common and uncommon. Simply click on the magnifying glass icon above, type in your dream, and uncover its true meaning.


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Seeing A Man of God In Your Dream? Here’s The Spiritual Meaning

Seeing a man of God in your dream can be a powerful and meaningful experience.…

5 minut čtení

Seeing Carrots In Dreams During Pregnancy? This Is What It Means

Over the past two months, three women have approached me asking what it means to…

3 minut čtení

Dream of Losing Shoes: Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism

Lost shoes in a dream are a big deal, symbolically speaking. Shoes represent something that…

7 minut čtení

Sen o škrcení - Spirituální význam a symbolika

Dreams about being choked can be unsettling and hard to shake off, but they can…

5 minut čtení

Sen o vraždě nebo vrahovi: Duchovní význam a symbolika

Have you ever had a dream where someone, whether familiar or unknown, was trying to…

9 minut čtení

Dreams About Cats Clinging To You: Spiritual Meaning Explained

Cats are commonly seen in dreams. They make great pets who are there for you…

5 minut čtení