These days, finding ways to relax can be harder than it seems. We’re living in a pandemic and encountering new situations every day.
To help you through this, we’ve put together some amazing relaxation techniques for anxiety. These are meditation-based, but you don’t need to know a lot about meditation to get started. All you need is yourself.
So take a look and consider how you can build these relaxation methods into your daily life!
1. Deep Breathing
One of the ways anxiety can affect you is your breath. Doing deep breathing exercises can be one of the best ways to relax your mind and body at the same time. It can slow everything down so life feels more manageable.
To start, take a few seconds to inhale. Then hold the breath for another few seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat this slow, three-part process for however long you need.
Some people think of breathing as a two-part process (inhaling and exhaling), but holding the breath for a few seconds in between can be a valuable step for relaxing. Try to take “belly” breaths that come from a low part of your body rather than near your chest and shoulders.
2. Walking Meditation
Sometimes the physical motion of a walk can bring your body into the meditation process in an interesting way. So if you’ve been cooped up at home for a while, try taking a walk through a local nature spot. Or if you’re already on the go, a walking meditation is a great way to make your journey more mindful.
Focus on how your body moves as you walk. Are your arms swinging loosely? How does it feel to lift a foot and set it back down?
Going through these thoughts can turn any walk into a grounding experience.
3. A Body Scan
The term “body scan” might remind you of an X-ray or other medical examination. Rest assured, a body scan meditation will be much more relaxing.
To do a body scan, start by focusing on your toes. Try to understand how your toes feel from the inside. Then move on to your feet, then legs, and work your way up your entire body.
Don’t forget the head! Once you’ve focused on each part of your body, try to feel your whole body at once.
The great thing about a body scan is that you can do it from pretty much anywhere. So next time you’re experiencing anxiety, you can focus on your toes and start from there. This can be a wonderful grounding exercise to bring you back to the present moment.
4. Qigong Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety
If you liked the idea of walking meditation, you might be interested in learning about qigong. These relaxation techniques focus on different areas of the body to improve the relationship between body and mind.
An important part of qigong is qi, sometimes written as chi. Practicers of qigong believe this is the life energy or life-force moving around your body. The easy-to-follow sequences make qigong one of the best ways to meditate.
5. Mantras
Some people experience anxiety as racing thoughts. If you’re wondering how to relax your mind and make everything a little quieter, mantras can a useful tool.
First, you’ll need to come up with your mantra. Is there a word or phrase that you’d like to focus on?
Then repeat this phrase as you go through the steps of any meditation. The mantra can help keep those racing thoughts at bay.
Get Started
You don’t need to be a meditation expert to use these relaxation techniques for anxiety. If you’re short on time, you can build a simple body scan into your breakfast routine or try some walking meditation on your way to the grocery store.
The great thing about these techniques is that you can start feeling some effects right away. So next time you find yourself in a moment of anxiety, try one of these methods to relax!
And for more tips on bringing spirituality and positivity to your life, check out the rest of our blog!