The Law of Attraction was supposed to be the secret to life, the universe, and everything. All I had to do was visualize what I wanted, focus on the positive, and watch as abundance flowed into my life—seemed simple enough. That is, until my life imploded. Turns out, chasing rainbows and butterflies while ignoring real-world problems doesn’t lead anywhere good.
How I Became Obsessed With The Law of Attraction
I was fascinated when I first learned about the Law of Attraction. The idea that I could manifest anything I wanted just by focusing my thoughts seemed too good to be true. And unfortunately, it was. By misusing the Law of Attraction, I ended up ruining my life for a while.
At first, the Law of Attraction improved my life. I started attracting more opportunities, connections, and small wins. But soon, I took it too far. I spent hours visualizing and affirming what I wanted – the money, the specific person – believing the universe would deliver if I just focused enough.
In the process, I lost sight of what really mattered – my health, relationships, and daily responsibilities. I was so fixated on attracting my desires that I stopped appreciating what I already had. Headaches, anxiety, and insomnia became the norm as I strained to control my thoughts and chase some vision of a perfect reality.
The Law of Attraction didn’t ruin my life. My obsession with it did. I realized I had to release the white-knuckled grip on controlling circumstances and accept life as it unfolded. When I stopped chasing visions of an ideal reality and started focusing on my actual thoughts and behaviors in each moment, life transformed.
You Have To Stop Chasing
“The Secret” movie really opened my eyes to the Law of Attraction. From what I understood, you need to use daily affirmations or askfirmations, visualize what you want, and take action, too. Money definitely doesn’t grow on trees, as they say!
I was really into someone and started visualizing us together, saying positive things like they were already my partner. Pretty soon, I was texting them more because doesn’t the Law of Attraction say to take action?
But the more I chased after this person, the more they seemed to get away. It felt like the universe wasn’t helping me at all – they even started to act like they didn’t like me back.
Later, after getting rejected and feeling bad about it, I realized something important. If I chase something so desperately and it runs away, could it mean that if I work on bettering myself, I won’t have to chase at all because it will come to me?
Wait a minute – when I’m chasing so hard after something, it probably looks like I don’t have it or am missing out. But doesn’t the Law of Attraction say to act like you already have what you want? I was so confused!
When I Detached, That’s When Everything Started Moving

At that time, I was chasing not just relationships but also money and growing my online business. And it seemed like nothing was progressing. One day, I decided to take a break. I just detached myself from my goals and took some time for myself. Not too long after, everything I wanted started coming to me. It was like detaching made some kind of magic. It felt like a plug had been pulled out.
That’s when I realized I had misunderstood the Law of Attraction. It’s not about doing something obsessively. It’s about knowing what you want, knowing you deserve it, sometimes visualizing, but definitely not obsessing.
When you detach from an outcome or situation that’s out of your control, it’s like you’re telling the universe, “Hey, I trust that things will work out how they’re meant to. I know I deserve good things, and they’ll come at the right time. In the meantime, I’m just going to focus on living my best life and enjoying where I’m at.”
I was a little sad thinking about how many months I spent doing the same thing every single day, losing sleep and missing important moments in life that I didn’t attend because I had to say affirmations or visualize.
Learning To Apply The Law of Attraction Properly
The Law of Attraction is all about attracting what you want, not chasing after it. It means if you want something, you have to be clear on what it is. You can picture it in your mind and repeat positive affirmations about it. But most importantly, you need to feel like you deserve to easily attract it.
No obsessively thinking about it all the time or daydreaming. No pushing or forcing things to happen. No stressing or struggling.
You shouldn’t feel like you have to work really hard to get what you want. When you truly believe you deserve it and feel good about yourself, the Law of Attraction can more easily bring it to you. And sometimes, you don’t even have to “move your finger.”
I must admit, I had it all backward before. Manifesting isn’t about chasing after things or sitting back, waiting for the universe to hand you what you want. It’s about becoming the person who naturally attracts those things.
Here are some changes I made:
- I stopped obsessing over the “stuff” I wanted to manifest, like money, jobs, or relationships. Instead, I focused on the kind of person I wanted to become – someone balanced, grateful, and helpful to others. I told myself, “I don’t chase, I attract.”
- I took care of myself. I made sure to maintain a routine, limit distractions, spend time with loved ones, and just love myself more. Your vibration and energy level have a huge effect on what you attract.
- I contributed value to the world however I could. I started volunteering and spreading love. This made me feel good and raised my energy.
- I practiced gratitude and mindfulness. Spending just a few minutes a day appreciating life’s blessings and being fully present in the moment. This shifted my mindset to abundance and joy.
By making these simple changes, I was able to turn things around. The Law of Attraction went from ruining my life to enriching it once I learned how to properly apply it with balance, care for myself, and contribute value to the world. My life became fulfilling, and I started attracting more of what really mattered – great relationships, meaningful work, and inner peace.
Yes, the Law of Attraction almost ruined my life until I learned how to use it properly. When I first heard about it, I thought it meant that positive thinking alone would get me everything I wanted. Boy, was I wrong! Turns out there’s more to it than just thinking happy thoughts.
Once I understood how to take real action that aligned with my goals, everything changed. The LOA started working for me instead of against me. I’m glad I stuck with it and figured out how to make it work the right way.
I was chasing all the wrong things and ignoring what really mattered. I had constant headaches from trying to manifest things that just weren’t meant to be. But once I realized I had to stop chasing and start being, everything changed.
If this is all new to you, just do what feels right. Most importantly, don’t chase anything. What’s meant for you will come. And if you want it to come faster, be thankful for what you have. Also, say nice things about what you want, like “I’m so grateful I already have X. Act like you already got it, too. That helps it find you more quickly.