Most people know that water and food can be contaminated but do not realize how common it actually is. There are two main ways to get rid of toxins from water and food: remove as much of them as possible and ensure your body does not retain them. While that might seem like a tall order at first, there are a few simple things you can do to achieve both.

1. Get A Water Filter
Water can be contaminated in a number of ways. One is if the water or food itself contains harmful substances. This can happen naturally, such as when minerals leach into water from the ground. It can also happen due to human activity, such as when factories release pollutants into rivers or when farmers use pesticides on crops, or due to the overly harsh chemicals used to purify water. The second way water can become contaminated is if harmful substances enter the water after it has been treated. This can happen when pipes used to transport water are not properly cleaned and disinfected. The best way to remove toxins from water is to use a filter. In the case of heavily treated water, your main focus should probably be to get rid of chlorine since that’s the chemical most likely to be added in large quantities. However, there are so many water filters on the market out today, that you can easily find one for whichever contaminants you’re most worried about. Of course, even those that are specifically designed to deal with a certain contaminant will have a general effect on all of them.
2. Wash Your Food
Washing your food is an effective way to remove toxins, especially pesticide residues. You should always wash fruits and vegetables, even if you’re going to peel them. Washing also helps get rid of dirt and bacteria. For different kinds of fruits and vegetables that are grown above-ground, all you really have to do is give them a good rinse under running clean water. They should lose that sticky feeling and any dirt or residue should come off easily. For leafy greens or other vegetables that are grown in the ground, you might want to soak them for a few minutes and then scrub them with a brush so that all dirt is removed from them. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t use dishwasher soap or anything similar when washing your produce, as that can cause additional chemicals to seep into the food.
3. Take Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a natural way to detoxify your body and remove toxins. It works by binding to toxins in the gut and then helping them be excreted from the body. You can take it in capsule form or mix it into water or juice. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids when taking activated charcoal so that you don’t become dehydrated. Drinking at least 8 cups of clean water a day is a great way to detoxify your body in general, as it helps flush out all the unhealthy things. You should also be aware that activated charcoal can cause constipation in some people, so if you start taking it and notice that you’re having trouble going to the bathroom, you might want to cut back on the amount you’re taking or stop taking it altogether.
4. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is another great way to detoxify your body and remove toxins. When you exercise, you sweat out all the toxins that have built up in your body. Again, it’s important to adjust your water intake to your activity levels. In addition to water, you can also drink green tea, herbal teas, and fruit and vegetable juices. Just make sure that you’re not adding any sugar or other sweeteners to them. Regular exercise is also beneficial for your overall health, so it’s something you should be doing anyway. While getting a good workout in will provide you with the most health benefits, seating is really the way toxins leave your body. So if you aren’t in a position where you can exercise as much as you’d like to, going to a sauna every once in a while or even taking a hot bath can also help you sweat out toxins.
5. Buy Organic Produce
Organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or other harmful chemicals. While organic foods can be more expensive, which admittedly doesn’t make them a realistic option for everyone, they are definitely worth the investment if you can swing it. If you’re worried about cost, try to focus on buying organic fruits and vegetables that are known to have high levels of pesticide residues. These are called the “Dirty Dozen” and they include strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, celery, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, cherries, and lettuce. Generally, though, the produce you eat fresh is going to have higher levels of pesticide residues than the product that you cook. So if you can’t afford to buy organic everything, focus on buying organic fruits and vegetables that you eat raw.

There are a number of ways to get rid of toxins from your water and food, and the best way to do it is by taking steps to remove as many of them as you can. You can also make sure your body isn’t retaining those toxins by exercising regularly and drinking plenty of fluids. Finally, try to buy organic produce when possible to avoid ingesting harmful chemicals. By following these tips, you can help keep your body healthy and free of toxins.