Losing a pet you love is just about the worst feeling ever. Even though it hurts so much, tons of people choose to remember their pets by keeping their ashes in a little urn at home. It’s a way for them to still feel close to Fido or Fluffy, even if they can’t be with them anymore.
If your home is feeling a little off lately, or there’s just not as much good energy flowing, it’s worth taking a look around to see what might be causing it. One thing feng shui says could be an issue is keeping your pet’s ashes urn inside.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your furry friend close after they pass. But from a feng shui perspective, it’s best to have the urn somewhere else other than in the home. Let me explain why.
Is It OK To Keep Your Pet’s Ashes In Feng Shui?
According to feng shui principles, keeping your pet’s ashes at home is generally not recommended because they represent stuck or stagnant energy. Feng shui places great importance on the organization and movement of living energy, or Qi, in a space. It aims to create harmonious and balanced environments that promote positive energy and well-being.
The idea is that keeping your pet’s ashes inside disrupts how the energy flows and makes it get all stuck in one place. And apparently, stuck energy is bad news according to feng shui. It could mess with the overall vibe of your home and maybe even affect your health, relationships, or money.
Pets are super important to us, and it feels respectful to honor them after they’re gone. But feng shui says leaving the ashes at home could backfire with that trapped energy.
The Energy Has To Be Fresh And Flowing Freely
I wrote about some feng shui principles related to wallets a few years back. I gave an example to show why money struggles are common. It’s not just about a wallet’s color or size – what really matters is what’s inside. If your wallet is crammed with old receipts, which represent stagnant, dead energy, don’t expect it to attract fresh cash or good vibes.
Outdated receipts, old photos, ashes, unneeded stuff – all that is considered stagnant energy. To make your space feel new and lively, it’s important to get rid of stagnant energy.
Getting rid of stagnant energy doesn’t always mean throwing things out. Sometimes, a small change, like moving an urn with ashes somewhere else, is enough. So, if you want to respect a pet’s memory in a feng shui-friendly way, move the ashes out of the main living areas.

Memorial Area
You could make a little memorial spot outside, maybe in the yard. Put up a picture of Fluffy or Ginger where you can see it. Add some of their favorite flowers or a little plant. You could also put one of their toys or a collar there as something to remember them by. Having it outside means you don’t have sad and “stagnant” things in the house bringing everyone down. It lets you go out back and feel close to them whenever you want.
You can also hang something with their ashes from a tree, like a heart shape or their favorite ball. When picking the tree, go for one that’s big and strong so it gives off good vibes. Steer clear of sickly or weak trees since you don’t want anything bringing down the positive energy.
Also, choose a spot for the tree that was special to both of you. Maybe your backyard where you had lots of good times together, or a park you used to walk your dog. Putting it somewhere with memories will really help you feel close to your pet even though they’re gone.
Listen To Your Intuition
When it comes to where you put your deceased pet’s urn with his ashes, you have to go with what feels right for you. Trust your gut and pick a spot that makes you feel good, somewhere you can remember all the great times you had together.
For example, if he or she loved hanging out in the stone area of the yard, maybe put the urn in there. Find a place that feels perfect to you, somewhere that reminds you of your furry friend. Of course, it needs to be outside, not kept inside the house. Go with what means something special just for the two of you.
Final Advice
If you’re looking to keep the peace at home, it’s probably best to keep your pet’s ashes outside. Like I said before, you’ve got some nice options for where to put them outdoors. You could make a little memorial spot in the yard, or hang one of those hearts or balls with their ashes from a tree.
Coming from someone who’s always got nine cats running around and my dog following me everywhere, plus being big into feng shui, I’d say an urn inside isn’t the way to go. Your furry pal would probably prefer being back in the great outdoors, even after crossing the rainbow bridge. Nature is where they belonged in life, so why not let them rest among it in the afterlife, too?
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