Are you on the quest for your very own spiritual awakening? Here’s a step-by-step guide to discovering your inner spirituality.
The chaos in the world today is calling for more and more citizens of the world to awaken. Right now, more than ever, is an important time to begin a spiritual journey.
Experiencing a spiritual awakening can be jarring. It can stir up difficult feelings. It may make you feel lost or unsure. That’s why it’s important to have a guide or mentor that can assist in the journey. This is not something that happens immediately, but in stages over time.
If you’re ready to begin your spiritual awakening journey, take some time to learn about its stages below.
Accept the Journey
By virtue of seeking out this page, you have heard the call to your spiritual awakening. Something sparked you to seek out this journey. Some part of you is ready, insistent even, to break with old patterns and transform.
Despite having this new motivation, you must consciously accept the task. This requires accepting the responsibility of your own spiritual journey. It won’t be easy — you’ll need to push yourself and put in the work.
Should you accept it, your perception of the world will immediately shift and you will be ready for the next stage.
Learn Something New
The path to spiritual awakening is different and highly personal for every individual. You are responsible for finding and choosing your own path.
This path may be a Kundalini Awakening, involve meditation, focus on action and service, or include all of these things. This is the stage of spiritual exploration, where you learn about different philosophies and practices to find what best aligns with you.
Unlearn Something Old
We are constantly subjected to subliminal messages that affect our decisions and behavior. A spiritual awakening doesn’t just involve learning new things, but unlearning old things.
This is the stage of the journey that is often the most difficult. You will have to question everything you once believed in. These beliefs probably gave you a sense of stability, but now you will have to dismantle them.
As you challenge yourself, you may even lose sight of your path. There will be tests and turning points that may make you want to give up. Just remember these challenges are merely the side effects of relinquishing your ego.
Make Lifestyle Changes
Finally, the culmination of all this learning, dismantling, and practice will lead to sustainable lifestyle changes that complete your spiritual awakening. It’s a letting go of all that effort because you are effortlessly one with your spiritual being.
You are no longer separated from the world by your ego. You are the interconnected, universal one.
More Spiritual Awakening Advice
The shared consciousness is spreading and intensifying throughout the world. More and more people are experiencing the call to begin their spiritual awakening. Although the journey can be difficult, the best part of a spiritual awakening is learning new philosophies and practices. Don’t be afraid to share this wisdom with the world.
For more spiritual guides and information, make sure to browse our page.