I’m sure you have ever wondered if there’s a way to get what you really want in life. A few years ago, I came across a manifestation method called Tesla 3 6 9 that’s supposed to help you attract love, money, happiness, health, or anything else your heart desires.
The person who invented this whole “energy thing” was Nikola Tesla, as the name suggests. He had an idea that the entire universe is made up of energy, including our thoughts and emotions. And if that’s accurate, then changing your energy could literally change your reality. This method focuses on using certain numbers and vibrations to get your energy on the same page as what you want.
Why The Numbers 3, 6, And 9?
Nikola Tesla was really into the idea that vibrations are like the core of the whole universe. But on top of that, he was big on the numbers 3, 6, and 9. Tesla was convinced that those numbers had some amazing creative power to take invisible ideas and actually make them real things you can see.
To him, 3, 6, and 9 were like a pathway between what you can’t see and what you can see. He thought understanding that connection could start a whole new phase of figuring things out.
No one is entirely sure why Tesla was so drawn to these numbers specifically. Some historians think it may have been because 3 represents the three sides of a triangle, and as Tesla wasn’t particularly religious, he didn’t take his inspiration from the Christian holy trinity. Others believe Tesla realized on some level that the number 3, in particular, seems to have great power. When you multiply it, the effects become even more pronounced – as if by materializing thoughts into reality.
Tesla was convinced that penetrating this numerical mystery would open new doors in his work. He never fully explained his reasoning, but the fascination drove him to explore electricity, magnetism, and their links to the natural world in new ways.
What Is The 369 Theory All About?
The idea is that you ritualistically focus on positive affirmations or visualize your goals in sets of 3, 6, and 9 throughout the day.
You can either:
- write down positive statements about yourself or your goals 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening.
- or you can mentally visualize what you’re trying to achieve using the same 3-6-9 pattern.
It doesn’t really matter if you write or visualize, just pick one and do it exactly 3 times when you wake up, 6 times during the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. The whole point is establishing this ritualistic pattern as a way to program your subconscious mind and help make your goals a reality.
When doing affirmations, it’s really important to pay attention to how you word things. Starting with “I am” or “I have” is great because it really embraces that you already have those qualities or things you want. Saying it that way just reinforces it in your mind.
On the other hand, using “I will” or “I want” isn’t as good. Even though those are about goals or what you’re looking for, it kind of sends the message that you don’t have it yet. Talking about it like you already do have it is much more positive and powerful for your mindset.
Pokud tedy toužíte přilákat do svého života vysněnou práci, životního partnera, peníze, lepší zdraví nebo úspěch, může vám tajemný kód 369 velmi pomoci. Navíc je jeho použití tak jednoduché a srozumitelné, že jej můžete začít používat hned po dočtení tohoto článku.

Jak použít metodu 369
So, how does this 369 manifestation method work? It’s pretty simple, really. All you need is a strong positive statement about what you want to create, a clear goal in mind, and being consistent with it.
Think of 3, 6, and 9 as your cues for the morning, afternoon, and evening. Simply write down 3 affirmations when you wake up, then 6 statements at lunchtime, and 9 affirmations in the evening or before you go to sleep. That’s really all there is to it.
Next up, you have to really believe with all your heart that what you want is already out there. I know you might not see it yet, but it’s real, it exists somewhere in the world right now. The car you want, the person you’d like to meet – it’s all out there. And when you say your affirmations, feel that thing, feel it like it already went down. Feel happy, feel thankful. Let that positive energy flow.
For example, if you’re looking to get a new car, really picture it in your mind. Imagine hearing that engine roar, smelling the leather seats, and sinking into the plush comfort. Visualization is definitely important, but it takes practice to do it right. The main thing is to feel good when you’re thinking about what you want. Even crack a smile at the thought of your dream car being in your driveway. Stay positive – that visualization will help make it happen.
To set things in motion with the 3 6 9 code, do the following:
- znejte, co chcete přitáhnout; mějte jasný záměr.
- vyberte si pozitivní afirmaci, která rezonuje s vámi a vaším cílem.
- napište si tuto afirmaci třikrát ráno po probuzení na papír nebo do deníku.
- uprostřed dne si šestkrát napište tuto afirmaci.
- večer, nejlépe před spaním, si devětkrát napište tuto afirmaci.

Technika se sklenicí vody
If you want to put a little bit of spice into Tesla’s 369 method, I’d recommend giving that “glass of water method” a try. Here’s what you do – write down some positive statements about what you want to manifest, then put a glass of water on the paper. Read the statements out loud and drink the water. I know it takes a little more effort, but it’s really worth it. Make sure to do it three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bed.
Japanese businessman Masaru Emoto did some great experiments that proved that water is a better listener than some people (I am kidding.) The truth is that water really does listen, and it’s incredible to think that just by drinking water, we can infuse ourselves with positivity and good vibes. It’s like a magical elixir that can uplift our spirits and make us feel amazing.
Další tipy:

Don’t Force Yourself
If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and feeling grumpy, you probably want to skip this technique. We all know people tend to focus more on bad feelings than good ones, and that can lead to things not going how you planned. So if you’re not feeling your best or just don’t feel like believing you can make whatever you imagine happen, it’s best not to try it. There’s a chance it could backfire on you instead.
Miracles DO NOT Happen Overnight
Don’t worry so much about where your dreams are or why it takes so much time to see the results. That’s not what determines when your miracle will happen. It’s more about how you’re feeling and the vibes you’re giving off. The universe doesn’t really care what you say you want, it cares more about how you’re feeling deep down and the energy you’re putting out there.
Success isn’t really about luck – it’s more about the energy you put out into the world. If you stop stressing so much about how or when exactly your dreams will happen, they’re much more likely to actually happen.
When I first tried out the 369 method, I wasn’t sure it would really work. And man, was I right – the results weren’t much at first. It wasn’t until later that I realized, hey, I have to actually feel these affirmations, not just think them or go through the motions. That’s when things really started happening!
So, does 3 6 9 actually work? You bet it does. But only if you stick to the 3-6-9 schedule and don’t force it or obsess over getting something. Just say your affirmation and let things play out naturally.
“Stop chasing things. What’s meant for you will find you.“
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