A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a lifestyle aimed at preventing disease and promoting health. This includes all areas of one’s lifestyle – from nutrition to emotional state. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at improving and optimizing old habits regarding food, physical activity, and rest.
However, it is easier said than done. When the exams are coming, the stress level raises you are less likely to follow HLC principles. If exam life is draining too much of your energy, you can get some support at research paper help. While in this article we are going to briefly touch on all the basic elements of healthy living and give practical advice on how to implement it.
The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is due to the increase and change like the pressure on the human body due to the increase in risks of a technogenic and environmental nature and the complication of the social structure. In the modern world, caring for the health and well-being of an individual is associated with the survival and preservation of a person as a species. No healthy life schedule can include going to bed after midnight and waking up at 2 pm on weekends. If you don’t have enough time to do things during the day, you need to either reduce the number of tasks or complete them faster. This requires a systematic approach to the allocation of time. A rational model of work and rest assumes a reasonable alternation of periods of physical and mental stress with periods of complete relaxation. In other words, sleep should be full (7-8 hours for an adult), and rest on weekends should be just the same.
Healthy nutrition is a very broad concept (voluminous scientific works have been written about this), but the basic principles of a rational approach to food are as follows:
- Significant restriction of animal protein (it is recommended to eat mainly white meats – poultry, rabbit, or avoid completely);
- An increased amount of plant products;
- Exclusion from the daily diet of “fast” carbohydrates – sweets, muffins, soda, fast food, chips, and other “junk” food;
- Early supper (not later than 8 pm);
- Eating only fresh products;
- Optimal drinking regime (8 glasses minimum);
- Optimization of the amount of food – it should correspond to the cost of energy;
- Elimination of alcohol, limitation of coffee, and strong tea.
The food must be exclusively natural, made of whole foods, since it contains all the necessary macro-and micronutrients, vitamins. Then you don’t have to worry about measuring your food, just make sure, you are comfortably full after every meal.
Sound promotion of a healthy lifestyle necessarily includes physical activity. Advances in science and technology have greatly facilitated human life, but at the same time have significantly reduced our physical activity. People move less and less: now you can order and receive goods and products without even leaving home. However, to maintain the optimal health of the body, movement is simply necessary. A human body requires at least 30 minutes a day of physical exercise: physical activity is one of the main factors affecting human health. What kind of physical activity to engage in – everyone decides for himself, according to age, temperament, and capabilities. Movement options:
- Classes in the gym;
- Walking or running;
- Swimming;
- Cycling;
- Pilates;
- Yoga;
- HIIT and other intense home workouts.
Opportunities for the realization of your potential are not limited – you can start with walking (it is better to walk in forest-park areas), and then gradually increase the load. Particular focus should be put on the health of the spine: the functional state (flexibility and mobility) of this part of the musculoskeletal system is the main indicator of the youth of the body. Remember that movement is life and overtrain yourself when starting.
Smoking, alcoholic beverages, unhealthy food addictions (salty foods, chips, sweets, soda) are all things that destroy health. A healthy and conscious life involves complete avoidance of the above “pleasures” in favor of healthier options. Quitting bad habits is a key point for all fundamental changes in a healthy lifestyle – where you should start your practice.
The list of factors contributing to health promotion necessarily includes procedures for strengthening the body and the immune system. Improving immune status is a complex process that requires phased and patient steps. You can strengthen the body with the help of herbal supplements that increase the body’s defense system (Eleutherococcus, ginseng tincture), home herbal remedies, and also through contrast procedures. Not necessarily ice-cold water swimming and dousing with cold water. For a start, an ordinary contrast shower is perfect: at the same time, the temperature difference at the initial stage can be minimal.
- Contrast therapy increases the immune status, strengthens the vascular system, speeds up metabolism, stimulates the autonomic nervous system, higher energy levels.
Be sure to monitor the state of mind and nervous system. Excitement, stress, tension, irritability are the direct causes of early aging. Besides, the nervous state negatively affects physiological processes and contributes to pathological changes in the tissue and cellular structures of the body. And one more thing – if you are really angry and nervous, let it out (not on other people), do not accumulate negative emotions in yourself.