I saw a TikTok video recently where this woman said something strange. She said, “This fu**ed me, so I am gonna let it fu*k you up, too. The body you occupied in your past life is buried somewhere on this earth.”
She really got in my head with that big idea. It was even hard for me to fall asleep. However, over time, I started to believe that the body from my past life is really buried somewhere on this planet. But where?
Join me on an adventure to discover clues about who you may have been and where your previous bodies might now lay at rest.
Reincarnation: The Concept of Past Lives
Reincarnation is a spiritual concept found in many religions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to some New Age beliefs. The basic idea is that when you die, your soul is reborn into a new body. However, what happens to your previous physical form after death?
According to reincarnation theory, when you die in one life, your soul leaves your physical body behind. Your remains decay and return to the earth while your soul moves on to inhabit a new body.
- Your past life body may have been cremated, in which case your ashes would have been scattered.
- You may have been buried in a cemetery plot, your remains decomposing into the soil.
- Or, if you died in a remote area, your body may have been left exposed to the elements, your bones scattered by animals.
While the physical remnants of your past lives have long disappeared, reincarnation believes your soul continues to be reborn in a new body. Your current life is just one chapter in your soul’s ongoing journey.
Locating Your Past Life Remains: Is It Possible?
So you think you may have lived a past life, but how can you know for sure? Well, some believe that locating the remains of your previous incarnation could provide definitive proof. But is finding your old “bones” even possible?
Researching Your Possible Past Identities
To start, you’ll need to do some detective work. Try past life regression hypnosis, spontaneous memories, or dream analysis to uncover clues about who you may have been. Once you have potential names, dates, and locations of a past life, do historical research to find records of people that match that information. See if any died or were buried in that area.
Think About What Attracts You
Do you prefer water or forests? Are you more comfortable at home, or do you like adventures? Is there a place, town, or country you feel drawn to for no real reason?
Ask yourself lots of questions. For example, just because you feel connected to Sweden doesn’t mean you actually lived and died there before. It could be that you were somewhere cold before, maybe on an island near water. Or possibly you passed away in winter when it snowed.
Even little details could help figure out where you may have died before. Don’t dismiss anything since everything might provide a clue.
Ask Your Higher Self (or Spirit Guides)
Another possible way to find out where you died in your past life is by asking your spirit guides or your higher self. Ask direct questions and be open to receive signs. They may come in the form of dreams, intuitive thoughts, or images.
Consulting Psychics And Mediums
If you’ve hit a dead end, consider consulting a psychic or medium. They may be able to communicate with your past spirit and provide additional details to aid your search. Of course, there is no scientific consensus on the validity of psychic readings, so take any information with a grain of salt.
Exploring Promising Sites In-Person
As a last resort, you could visit locations that match information from your research or psychic readings. Walk around, exploring the area to see if anything seems familiar. You may stumble upon clues leading you to your remains. However, the odds of success are very low, and you could end up on a wild goose chase.
If you do pursue this path, go in with an open yet skeptical mind, follow all laws, and be respectful of private property. Who knows, you may just find what you’re looking for.
Methods For Discovering Your Previous Burial Site
Finding where your physical body may have been buried in a past life can be tricky, but a few methods may help point you in the right direction.
Pendulum Dowsing
Using a pendulum is one way to get yes or no answers to questions about your past life’s burial site. Hold the pendulum over a map while concentrating on your intention to find where your past life body was laid to rest. Ask the pendulum specific questions about locations, and note where it swings in a circular motion for “yes.” While pendulum dowsing can be hit or miss, some people have success with it for past life explorations.
Psychic Reading
A psychic medium or channeler may be able to tap into insights about where your body was buried in a previous incarnation. Look for a psychic or medium experienced in past life readings and ask them to sense where your past remains may have been laid to rest. They may provide clues that resonate with you to help uncover the location.
Past Life Regression
Undergoing past life regression hypnosis is a way to access memories from previous lives, including details surrounding your death and burial. A trained hypnotist can guide you into a relaxed state where you can experience visions of your past life and ask your subconscious mind questions about where your remains were interred. The information that surfaces may be metaphorical or symbolic, so look for clues that strongly resonate with you.
Of course, there is no way to definitively prove where a past life’s body may have been buried. But with past life regression, you may gain insights that point to a location where your eternal rest once took place, giving you a sense of connection to your spiritual origins.
While some of these methods may seem a bit out there, for those curious about reincarnation and past lives, even far-fetched ideas can be worth exploring. At the very least, attempting some of these techniques can lead to an interesting thought experiment about who you might have been in a previous existence.
And who knows, you might just stumble upon some clues that point you to your eternal resting spot from long ago. The truth is out there—you just have to be willing to dig for it..not literally!