Law of Attraction & Spirituality

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like, so when you think positively about something, you are more likely to attract situations and circumstances that match your thoughts. When you focus on what you don’t want, you are more likely to attract those things into your life as well.


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Why Things Get Worse Before They Get Better When Manifesting

So, you’ve decided to start manifesting the life of your dreams. You’ve read the books,…

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How The Law of Attraction Ruined My Life (Well, Almost!)

The Law of Attraction was supposed to be the secret to life, the universe, and…

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14 Incredibly Rare Twin Flame Signs You’ve Probably Felt

Twin flames are different than soulmates. A twin flame is like the other half of…

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5 Signs Your Twin Flame Is Being Intimate With Someone Else

We all have intuition, that little voice in our heads telling us when something just…

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Killing Crickets: Bad Luck or Baseless Superstition?

There's a common belief that killing a cricket will bring bad luck. When you were…

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Is It Bad Luck If You Hit A Bird While Driving? Myth Debunked

You’re cruising down the road, singing along to your favorite tunes, when suddenly, a feathered…

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