Is your Virgo man acting distant, staying late at work more often, and being vague about his plans? Perhaps you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but your intuition is telling you that he may be talking to another woman behind your back.
As a Virgo, he can be hard to read, but like they say, “Even if the window is dirty, you can still see through it if you really try,” there are a few signs to look out for that might indicate he’s strayed. Before you confront him, check out these ten signs your Virgo man is talking to another woman and see if any ring true.
#1 Changes in Communication Patterns
One of the telltale signs your Virgo man may be talking to another woman is changes in his communication patterns with you. Both men and women Virgos tend to be loyal and consistent, but sudden changes can indicate something is amiss. Some signs to look for include.
If he used to respond quickly, but now his replies are delayed or infrequent, it could mean he’s distracted by communicating with someone else. He may be texting back and forth with another woman or on the phone with her when you try to reach him.
You may even feel like you’re having less meaningful conversations. The quality of your discussions changes. Instead of engaging you in deep or thoughtful talks, your Virgo man’s conversations become more surface-level and brief.
#2 Increased Secrecy
Increased secrecy is a common sign your Virgo man may be secretly chatting with another woman. This sun sign tends to be private and reserved by nature, but a sudden increase in secrecy, especially surrounding his phone and social media activity, can indicate he is hiding something. He may:
- Become evasive or change the subject when you ask about his phone or texts. Virgos value honesty and direct communication, so any evasiveness is out of character and a possible red flag.
- Spend more time than usual texting or on his phone and quickly turn the screen away or lock it when you walk into the room. Normally, Virgos are comfortable sharing details of their day, so a reluctance to share what’s on his phone suggests he may be hiding conversations with someone else.
- Start using social media at odd hours or spend more time than usual on certain apps. While Virgos tend to be judicious social media users, increased or unusual usage could mean he’s communicating with someone privately through those channels.
Increased secrecy itself is not proof of infidelity, but if your Virgo man is normally open and transparent with you, a sudden change in that behavior may be a warning sign that he is talking to another woman and trying to hide it.
#3 Sudden Changes In Appearance And Grooming
Sudden changes in a Virgo man’s appearance and grooming habits can be a sign he is seeing another woman. Virgos are generally very meticulous and detail-oriented. They take pride in their appearance and grooming routine, but if he’s dressing sharper, wearing cologne more often, and making frequent trips to the barber or salon, it could indicate he’s trying to impress someone new.
Even things like shaving more regularly, using new skin or hair care products, and even getting manicures or pedicures can all be signs a Virgo man is putting in extra effort to appear more attractive and well-kept.
#4 Your Intuition Tells You Something Is Off
Your gut instinct is really something else. It can clue you in when something ain’t quite right in your relationship, even if you can’t exactly say what. Sometimes, you just get a feeling that something’s off.
Your intuition is likely picking up on subtle changes in his behavior that suggest he may be interested in another woman.
#5 He Stays Late At Work More Often
Virgo men don’t typically enjoy lengthy late nights and weekends at work unless there’s a reward of some kind involved. Whether it’s an exciting new work challenge or an intriguing new officemate, something – or someone – at his job is keeping his interest and causing him to spend less time at home.
Maybe he’s offering to take on extra work projects to impress a new coworker. Or possibly he’s making up excuses to work late so he has more opportunities to chat with an attractive new hire. If he’s suddenly volunteering for a lot more overtime and weekend work hours, it’s probably not because he’s gunning for that promotion.
If this behavior is out of character for your normally punctual and practical Virgo, it may be time to start wondering what, or who is really keeping him so preoccupied at work.
#6 He Brings Her Up In Conversation
Does your Virgo man keep casually mentioning another woman’s name in conversation? Pay attention if he talks about her frequently or shares private details about her life. Virgo men don’t usually dwell on people they don’t connect with emotionally.
If he brings her up at random or slips her into conversations where she’s not really relevant, this could be a sign he has her on his mind a lot. He may ask your opinion of her or talk about conversations they’ve had. While friends of the opposite sex are perfectly normal, the frequency and familiarity with which he talks about her are worth noting.
#7 He Seems Happier
Virgo men typically have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, but if he’s cracking more jokes and seeming silly, it could be a sign his mood has been lifted by someone else.
Also, if your Virgo suggests going out dancing, seeing a comedy show, or other atypical fun social events, he may be motivated by a desire to impress another woman. Virgo men are usually homebodies, so a sudden thirst for adventure could be a red flag.
Of course, there are other possible explanations for changes in his mood or behavior. But if coupled with other signs on this list, a sunnier disposition could indicate he’s forging a meaningful connection with someone new.
#8 He Seems Distracted And Distant
He may be distracted by text messages, phone calls, or daydreaming about this new woman, which takes his attention away from you and the relationship. You may notice him spacing out more often, taking longer to respond to you, or simply seeming less engaged during your conversations.
The emotional and mental energy he would normally invest in your relationship has now been redirected toward getting to know this other woman, leaving you with a Virgo man who suddenly seems distant and absentminded.
#9 He’s Less Affectionate
Virgo men tend to show love through acts of service and quality time together. If he’s talking to someone new, he may be putting his energy into doing small things for her or spending long hours chatting with her instead.
Don’t immediately assume he’s cheating, but do have an open and honest conversation about your relationship and what you both need to feel happy and secure. Perhaps he’s just not “in the mood.” Let him know you’ve noticed him seeming distant lately and want to reconnect. His reaction and willingness to make changes can reveal a lot about where his priorities truly lie.
#10 He Lies About His Whereabouts
Has he started lying about his whereabouts, especially at odd hours or on weekends? Virgo men are typically honest and straightforward, so lying typically indicates he has something to hide.
He may suddenly start working late or long hours but can’t provide many details about what he’s doing at work. And perhaps he makes up excuses for why he can’t spend time with you on weekends that don’t make complete sense. If his explanations seem implausible or inconsistent, he may be trying to hide that he has plans with another woman.
You’ve read through the signs, and it’s not looking good. But before you confront your Virgo man, take a step back and look at the relationship as a whole. Has communication been off lately? Have you both been busy with work or family issues, neglecting quality time together? If the signs seem to point to him pulling away or being distracted by someone else, don’t jump to conclusions.
Either way, go in with an open mind and heart – he may have a reasonable explanation and be unaware of how his behavior came across. Here’s hoping this was just a little bump in the road.