Have you ever met a woman who can fix anything around the house? She’s not afraid to take risks or travel by herself. Sports are fun, and she’s not big on sharing her feelings. Her friends even tell her she doesn’t need a man because she’s so independent. I’ve always wondered – do you think it’s possible she was a man in a past life?
I know that sounds weird, but even though she’s clearly a woman now, it seems like there’s still a lot of masculine energy there. Maybe her soul used to be a man! It would explain why she’s not super girly. Here are the top ten signs you or someone you know was a man in their past life.
You Have A Hard Time Asking For Help
In your past life, you were probably a man who was expected to handle things independently and take care of yourself without help. Even back then, it wasn’t easy for a man to admit when he was struggling or needed a hand. Things were different for women – it was more acceptable for them to rely on others.
A lot has changed now, but some ways of thinking still stick with us from previous times. As a man in your past life, you likely got used to solving any problems alone and not asking for support. Old habits can be hard to shake, and I’m guessing that mindset still influences you sometimes, whether you realize it or not. You were self-sufficient way back when, and old instincts kick in to try dealing with issues by yourself rather than reaching out.
You Have Masculine Energy And Presence
Even though you’re a woman, you’ve got this bold, fearless energy that commands respect. The friends always crack jokes about how you’re the protector of our group – and they’re not wrong! You’ve got a natural talent for taking charge when needed and leading people with charisma and strength.
You Love Adventure And Taking Risks
You live for the thrill of adventure. Rock climbing, racing cars, parachuting out of planes – you’re always up for heart-pounding escapades and pushing life to the limit. Caution? What’s that? You follow your instincts and dive right in without overthinking the consequences. Some might call it recklessness, you call it living in the moment.
You’re Handy And Practical
You’ve always been able to build and fix things with ease. Assembling furniture, repairing engines, woodworking – you have a gift for working with your hands. Abstract, theoretical concepts aren’t your strong suit. You’re more interested in what’s tangible, practical, and useful in the real world. If something needs doing, you’ll roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.
You Connect More With Male Friends Than Female Friends
Ever find yourself clicking more with your guy friends than your gal pals? It could be a sign you were a man in a past life. You may find that female friendships feel more forced or unnatural, while male friendships feel more familiar and instinctive.
This connection with male friends could stem from familiar gender roles and perspectives you held in a past life as a man. Social norms and gender differences were likely more rigid in past eras, so the personalities and interests you developed as a man may still resonate with you today. Even subtle behaviors, communication styles, and senses of humor you picked up in a male body could still feel more natural and “you” compared to typical female behaviors.
You Have A Hard Time Expressing Emotions
If you have trouble tapping into your emotional side or opening up about feelings, it may indicate you lived as a man before. Of course, society often conditions males from an early age to hide their emotions. But for you, it could run deeper than that.
Don’t fight your true self. Learn to embrace all sides of your spirit – both the masculine and feminine. Your “past life” preferences don’t define you, so enjoy whatever interests you and be the person you want to be now.
You Have Interests And Hobbies Traditionally Seen As Masculine
Do you have a natural talent for sports like football, hockey or racing cars? Reincarnation believers say talents and affinities often carry over from past lives. If you find yourself drawn to typically male-dominated sports or activities, it could be a clue pointing to a former incarnation as a man.

In your past life, you may have been an athlete, sports fan or coach. Or perhaps you simply enjoyed recreational activities like hunting, fishing or riding motorcycles in your leisure time. Either way, interests you develop early in life are said to be influenced by your previous experiences in other lifetimes.
Of course, in today’s world, no interest or activity is strictly limited to a particular gender. But if you feel an unusually strong attraction to pursuits traditionally associated more with males, it may suggest your energy or essence was masculine in another lifetime.
You Have Vivid Memories or Dreams of Being A Man
Do you frequently have intense dreams where you are living life as a man? Do certain memories pop into your mind that seem more like past life recollections than anything you’ve actually experienced in this life? Our subconscious stores information from past lives that can emerge through dreams, déjà vu, or spontaneous memories.
If you find yourself dreaming of living in a different time period or culture as a male, that is a strong indicator you may have been a man in a previous incarnation. Likewise, if you have déjà vu about places you’ve never been or recall memories of events that happened before you were born, these could actually be scenes from a past life as a man bubbling up into your current consciousness.
You Feel Out of Place In Traditional Female Roles
Traditional female gender roles, like homemaker, caregiver, or nurturer, just don’t feel natural to you. You’d rather be the provider or protector. Activities like shopping, cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing seem unfulfilling. You’re more drawn to leadership positions and challenging, action-oriented work environments.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with traditional female responsibilities. But for you, they can feel constricting or like you’re playing a part that isn’t really you. You feel you were meant for something beyond societal expectations of what a woman “should” do or be.
Maybe in your past life as a male, you pursued a successful career or held a position of power and influence. Those tendencies still reside in you and are hard to ignore. If this sounds familiar, it could be a sign you have lived before as the opposite sex. Your soul may be more accustomed to a male incarnation, making you feel out of sync in this life as a woman.
You’re Attracted To Women
Some believe that same-sex attraction can stem from relationships formed in past lives, where souls meet again but enter new bodies of the opposite sex. For example, a woman who feels drawn to other women in a romantic or sexual way may have been a man in a previous life who was in a relationship with a woman who is now reincarnated as one of the women she is attracted to. The soul connection across lifetimes could then manifest as a same-sex attraction in the current life.
This theory is based on the idea that gender is fluid and souls are not inherently male or female. The soul’s essence remains the same through multiple lifetimes, while the body and gender change to offer different life experiences. So, a soul that lived as a man hundreds of years ago could now be incarnated as a woman in the present. But the memories, feelings, and attractions from that past life as a man could still surface in subtle ways. An intense attraction to or “kinship” with women could, therefore, signify that the soul once lived as a man who knew and loved women in a past life.
The Eternal Cycle Continues
While reincarnation remains a controversial concept, many people report memories or unexplained tendencies that they attribute to a previous existence. If several of these signs resonate with you, it may be worth exploring through meditation, hypnotherapy, or past life regression. At the very least, it gives you an interesting topic of contemplation and conversation. And who knows, maybe in your next life, you’ll come back as the opposite sex again. The eternal cycle continues!