Ghosts might seem mysterious and spooky, but they’re surprisingly predictable when it comes to what they can’t stand. Whether you’re dealing with an unwanted haunting or just want to keep the vibe of your home peaceful and positive, knowing what repels ghosts can make all the difference. From fresh flowers to uplifting energy, here are 10 things ghosts absolutely hate—and how you can use them to send those pesky spirits packing!
You might be surprised to learn that one of the things that can really get under a ghost’s ectoplasmic skin is plain old salt. Yes, that humble and cheap seasoning sitting in your kitchen cupboard could be an effective spirit repellent.
In many cultures, salt has always been seen as a natural protector and purifier, almost like nature’s way of keeping things clean and safe. It’s thought that ghosts and other supernatural entities find the presence of salt to be deeply disturbing and uncomfortable. Maybe it has something to do with salt’s ability to absorb and bind negative energies. Or perhaps ghosts just really hate that gritty texture!
If you’re looking to ghost-proof your home, try sprinkling some salt across your windowsills and doorways. You can even make a saltwater solution to use for cleansing spaces that feel heavy or haunted. A little salt goes a long way in the spirit world.

You know what they say – vampires hate garlic, but did you know ghosts can’t stand it either? That pungent, eye-watering aroma is like kryptonite to those pesky paranormal pests.
Garlic has long been used as a supernatural repellent, with cultures across the globe swearing by its ghost-busting powers. Maybe it’s the strong, lingering smell that spirits just can’t vibe with. Or perhaps it has something to do with garlic’s purifying properties in certain belief systems. Whatever the reason, this humble allium is one serious spirit-scarer.
If you’re worried about an unfriendly phantom lurking in the shadows, do yourself a favor and stock up on garlic. Hang some braids from the doorways, sprinkle some powdered cloves around entryways, or just eat a nice garlicky meal. Your ghostly guests are sure to make themselves scarce with that pungent aroma wafting through the air.
Holy Symbols or Religious Items
Ghosts are usually portrayed as restless souls stuck between this world and the next. So anything that represents divine power or the sacred realm is like kryptonite to them. Whether it’s a cross, a rosary, or even just a simple prayer being said, these things remind ghosts of a higher authority they can’t mess with.
I’ve heard stories of people hanging crucifixes in their homes to ward off unwanted ghostly guests. Same goes for keeping a Bible or religious text nearby. There’s just something about those blessed objects that ghosts find extremely off-putting. It’s like they trigger an “exit” signal in a ghost’s metaphysical GPS and they just can’t stick around.
If you’re worried about a paranormal intruder, you might want to pick up some holy water or get yourself a nice religious symbol to hang up. Just don’t go overboard and turn your place into a church!
One of the most interesting things about ghosts is their aversion to iron. It’s like kryptonite to these otherworldly beings! So, if you’re looking to keep those pesky phantoms at bay, you might want to consider stocking up on some iron – horseshoes, nails, you name it! Hang a horseshoe above your doorway, and watch those ghosts turn tail and run.
Now, why exactly do ghosts hate iron so much? Well, that’s a bit of a mystery, but there are a few theories floating around. Some say it’s because iron is a grounding element, and ghosts are all about that ethereal, otherworldly vibe. Others believe that iron has some sort of purifying properties that just don’t jive with the ghostly crowd.
Light And Positive Energy

Ghosts hate light and positive energy. These spooky spirits thrive in darkness and negativity, so it’s no wonder they get all riled up when things are bright and cheerful.
Just think about it – have you ever heard of a ghost haunting a sunny beach or a lively amusement park? No, they much prefer those creepy, dimly-lit haunted houses or abandoned asylums where the vibes are just downright eerie.
To repel the ghosts, turn on all the lights and radiate positive energy. Sing, dance, laugh – do whatever it takes to fill the space with joy and happiness.
Burning Herbs
Burning herbs is another ancient and widespread method for repelling ghosts and negative energies. Various cultures and belief systems have used this practice for centuries, and it is believed to have a powerful cleansing effect on spaces and individuals.
Certain herbs are thought to possess natural properties that make them particularly effective against ghostly presences. Sage, for instance, is a popular choice due to its purifying and protective qualities. When burned, the aromatic smoke of sage is said to banish negative energies and create a sacred space. Similarly, sweetgrass is often used in smudging ceremonies by Indigenous peoples to purify and bless individuals, homes, and sacred objects.
Other herbs commonly used for this purpose include cedar, lavender, rosemary, and frankincense. Each herb is believed to have its own unique properties and spiritual significance. Cedar, for example, is associated with grounding and protection, while lavender is known for its calming and soothing effects.
Running Water
Running water is a powerful deterrent for ghosts. According to folklore tales, those supernatural entities can’t cross over running streams or rivers. It’s like the constant flow and movement of the water creates an invisible barrier that spirits just can’t pass through.
Some people take this concept to the extreme by keeping taps or faucets running in their homes to prevent ghosts from entering. Others go as far as digging trenches filled with flowing water around properties to create a ghost-proof perimeter. While it sounds a bit wacky, you have to admit it’s a clever trick if you’re trying to avoid an unwanted paranormal visitor!
Mirror Covers

Ghosts are said to be repelled by covered mirrors. This superstition stems from the belief that mirrors can trap souls or serve as portals to the spirit world. They’re gateways that allow spirits to slip through from the other side and haunt our living spaces.
By throwing a cozy little blanket over those reflective surfaces, you’re essentially slamming the door shut on any ghostly guests. No more creepy apparitions peeking out at you from the mirror when you’re trying to brush your teeth or do your makeup. With a mirror cover in place, the ghosts are going to have to find another way in – and good luck with that!
Fresh Flowers or Plants
Fresh blooms and lush greenery bring an amazing positive energy into a space. It’s like a breath of fresh air that instantly brightens up the vibe. Ghosts absolutely despise that kind of uplifting, cheerful atmosphere. They thrive on gloom and doom, feeding off negative energy like emotional vampires.
But when you fill a room with gorgeous fresh-cut flowers or lively potted plants, it’s like you’re shining a big, happy light right in their ghostly faces. The vibrant colors, the sweet fragrances, the very essence of life and growth – it’s like repellent to them. Ghosts can’t stand to be around positivity and natural beauty.
The last thing ghosts don’t like is brooms! They despise the humble broom like nothing else. Why do brooms send shivers down a ghost’s ectoplasmic spine, you ask? Well, there are a few theories out there. Some say it’s because brooms are used for sweeping and cleaning, and ghosts hate anything that disrupts the dusty, cobweb-filled spaces they haunt.
Others believe it’s the bristles that do the trick. Apparently, the coarse fibers can actually disrupt and disperse ectoplasmic energy fields. So a good, vigorous sweeping motion is like a one-two punch against any self-respecting phantom.