You just met someone new. They seem great on the surface – charming, attractive, and fun to be around. But there’s something that doesn’t sit quite right. Your gut is giving you red flags, even if you can’t put your finger on why. Don’t ignore those instincts!
I’ve noticed over the years that the universe has this way of letting you know when someone just isn’t right for you. Here are some signs I’ve seen:
You Have A Gut Feeling Something Is Off
Your intuition develops over years of life experiences. It allows you to pick up on subtle cues that your conscious mind may miss. So, if you have an unsettled feeling in your gut, don’t ignore it. Your intuition likely perceives something about this person or situation that you can’t quite put your finger on.
Our gut instincts are speaking in code, and it can be tough to really understand what our intuition is trying to tell us. But just because the language is hard to decipher, don’t dismiss it. Even if it doesn’t make total sense, your intuition is never wrong.
You Experience Unexplainable Negativity Around Them
Being around this person leaves you feeling depleted and exhausted in a way you can’t quite put your finger on. Your intuition is telling you that spending time with them requires more effort than it should.
For some reason, you feel uncomfortable and tense in their presence, even if there’s no obvious cause. Your guard goes up, and you have trouble relaxing. This is your intuition warning you that something is off.
You may even start second-guessing yourself in ways that aren’t normal for you. Your self-confidence takes a hit, and you feel like you have to walk on eggshells. This is a sign that the dynamic between you is unhealthy.
Yawning or Feeling Tired Around Them
Have you noticed that you tend to yawn frequently or feel drowsy when around this person? Our bodies have a way of warning us when something feels “off.” Excessive yawning or fatigue in their presence could be a sign that you’re not fully comfortable or at ease. Your body may be picking up on subtle cues that this individual drains your energy or isn’t the best person to have in your life.
You Keep Seeing 666 When Thinking of Them

You might start noticing the angel number 666 pop up frequently when this person comes to mind. This is the universe’s way of signaling that this relationship may lead you down a dark path. The number 666 is often associated with dark energy or the devil. If you keep seeing this number, especially in groups of three, take it as a warning that this person may bring chaos, conflict, or toxicity into your life.
They Bring Out The Worst In You
The universe places certain people in our lives to help us grow, while others come to show us the parts of ourselves that still need work. Unfortunately, some relationships can cultivate negative qualities and bring out our darkest sides. They feed into anxieties, insecurities, and unhealthy behaviors. These connections chip away at your self-esteem and stir up feelings of resentment or anger.
Rather than uplifting you and bringing out your best, these people elicit reactions and behaviors that you know aren’t right. Your intuition is warning you, through these feelings, that the relationship is no good. The healthiest choice is often the hardest: to distance yourself from those who bring out the worst in you.
Things Break Down or Fall

If things keep breaking down or falling over, this could be a sign that the universe wants you to stay away from someone. Maybe clocks stop working, electronics go haywire, or objects tumble to the floor for no reason when this person is around.
While occasional mishaps are normal, a strange frequency of chaos and clumsiness surrounding one individual could indicate underlying tension or friction in your connection that you’re not fully aware of consciously.
Repeated Negative Experiences
You keep having unpleasant encounters with this person that leave you feeling drained or upset. The universe seems to be sending you signals that this relationship may not be right for you.
Have you had multiple arguments, felt frequently disrespected, or experienced a series of frustrating miscommunications? These types of recurring negative incidents suggest that compatibility and chemistry just aren’t there.
It can be difficult to accept, but sometimes people just don’t mesh well together. Don’t ignore the signs that this person brings more stress and strife than positivity to your life. Trust your instincts if they’re telling you that you’ll be happier and better off without this person’s repeated negative influence.
Physical Pain or Illness

Whenever you’re around a certain person, your body just doesn’t feel right. You’ll get cramps, your stomach will hurt, or maybe your knee will start acting up. Your body might be trying to tell you that this person and you are meant to be together, no matter how well you get along otherwise.
People Look At You Strangely
When you’re around this person, do you notice others giving you puzzled or concerned looks? Their intuition may be picking up on something about the relationship dynamic that you aren’t seeing. Pay attention if friends or family also seem unsettled when this person is around or when you mention them.
Their discomfort could signal that this individual’s energy feels “off” or incompatible with yours in some way. Though it’s not a definitive sign, it’s worth contemplating why others appear bemused or worried for you. Their instincts might be alerting them to potential warning signs that this person is not the right match or may bring unwanted drama or toxicity into your life.
Animals Sense Something’s Off
Animals react differently around certain people. Their intuition is strong, and they can sense things about someone’s character that we may miss. If animals seem distrustful or avoidant around a new person in your life, that may be a sign from the universe that this individual is not good for you.
For example, say you’ve started dating someone new, but your normally friendly cat hisses and hides whenever they’re around. Or the birds that usually sing outside your window fly away when that person approaches. These behaviors can indicate the animals sense something “off” about them that you haven’t yet perceived.
Animals are attuned to subtle cues like body language, pheromones, and tone of voice that betray a person’s true nature or intentions. Their instincts are trying to send you a warning to be careful.
Perfect Timing Doesn’t Exist
Whenever you’re trying to get together with them, whether it’s for a date or just grabbing coffee, things don’t always go smoothly. Their car may suddenly break down or you end up having to work late unexpectedly.
When things keep coming up to prevent you from meeting up with someone, that’s the universe’s way of saying it’s just not meant to be. It’s like the forces that be are putting little obstacles in your way, trying to guide you in another direction subtly.
Electronic Devices Act Up

The universe could use technology, too. Imagine if every time you tried to text that certain someone, your phone would act up. The battery drains instantly, or the whole device just freezes out of nowhere. Or what if you’re in the car with them, and suddenly, the radio cuts out for no reason? I think that’s the universe’s subtle way of saying you should probably steer clear of that person.
Having bad dreams about a certain someone is a clear sign from the universe’s telling you to steer clear of them. You might dream about them directly or see symbols connected to them – like their green car or long hair – and have nightmares. Your dreams are trying to give you a message when your guard is down. Those dreams are no coincidence, so don’t ignore what they could be telling you.
An Increase In Black Bird or Crow Visits
Many cultures have viewed ravens and crows as symbols of bad omens and messages from the spirit world. When black birds appear frequently around you, it could be a warning to stay away from a certain person or situation.
Crows and ravens are considered wise birds in mythology and folklore, and some believe they act as spirit guides or messengers from the divine. When they flock to you, it may be the universe’s way of trying to get your attention and warn you against proceeding with a relationship, opportunity, or plan.
Nose Itching
Many cultures going back thousands of years believed that an itchy nose was a warning sign from the universe, telling you to be cautious around a certain individual. The logic goes that if your nose itches when a specific person is present, that person likely has negative energy surrounding them that your body is sensing on a subconscious level.
Negative Symbols
Things that were once normal suddenly take on ominous meanings. Crosses are reversed, black cats seem to follow you, and dead animals show up with alarming frequency.
When these types of symbols appear repeatedly around a particular person or situation, it can be a warning from the universe that this relationship may not be healthy or positive for you. Our subconscious minds are very perceptive, picking up on cues and signals that our conscious minds miss. These symbolic “coincidences” may actually be the universe’s way of getting our attention and alerting us that something is off.
Our Advice
The universe clearly has a reason for bringing this person into your orbit, even if that reason is to teach you something or push you in a new direction. Trust in the signals, and don’t force a connection that isn’t meant to be. If any of those signs sound familiar, I’d say steer clear of that person. Someone better is out there waiting for you.