You’re probably familiar with bay leaves as a common ingredient in cooking, but did you know they can also be used for magical money spells? If you’re looking to attract more wealth and prosperity into your life, some simple rituals with bay leaves can give your finances a boost. I’ve been using spells with bay leaves for ages and they really seem to give my finances a boost.
Why Bay Leaves?
Bay leaves are cool magical tools for bringing in money and success. Their smell and taste make them perfect for spells focused on prosperity and having more than enough.
For centuries, bay leaves have been a sign of honor, skill, and wisdom. People would weave them into crowns and necklaces for poets and heroes. This long history gives Bay Leaves a feeling of being important and winning, which translates well to financial magic.
The strong, spicy smell of bay leaves is also energizing and clarifying. Burning bay leaves in a spell helps “wake up” your goal and make it really clear, letting you channel energy into specifically attracting money or new opportunities.
Bay leaves also naturally have a bitterness that magically helps get rid of being poor and needing things. By using bay leaves in a money spell, you symbolically invite an end to financial struggles and the start of prosperity. The bitterness clears the way for sweet success and luck.
Let’s not forget that in many folk magic traditions, bay leaves specifically connect to getting a steady income and new sources of cash. Sticking a bay leaf in your wallet, cash register, or anywhere else money changes hands helps make new business and increase the flow of money.
Money Spell #1 – Bay Leaf Wish Jar

This simple money spell uses bay leaves to attract abundance into your life. All you need is a jar, bay leaves, and a pen.
Start by finding a jar you like – something decorative that you’ll enjoy looking at. Next, grab a handful of bay leaves. On each bay leaf, write a monetary wish, desire, or goal. Be as specific as possible, writing things like “I earn an extra $500 this month” or “I receive an unexpected financial windfall.”
Once you’ve written on all the bay leaves, fold them up and place them in your jar. Seal the jar and put it somewhere you’ll see it often, like your desk, kitchen counter, or nightstand.
Every day, hold the jar in your hands and visualize your wishes coming true. Picture the money flowing into your life and feel grateful for your new financial abundance. Spending just a minute each day focused on your jar will help manifest your desires into reality.
After a full lunar cycle (about 28 days), bury the bay leaves in your yard or a potted plant. As the leaves decompose, your wishes will materialize. Don’t stop here, though – make a new jar and continue this money spell for as long as you’d like! Consistency and repetition are key.
Money Spell #2 – Bay Leaf Money Pot

To attract money and wealth, this bay leaf money spell is very effective. You will need a jar or pot, bay leaves, coins, and a green candle.
Gather The Ingredients
For this spell, gather a jar or pot, 9 bay leaves, 9 coins of any denomination, and a green candle. The number 9 is sacred in many magical traditions and signifies completion. Green is the color for attracting money and abundance.
Charge The Items
Hold the jar, bay leaves, coins, and candle in your hands and visualize money and wealth flowing into your life. Say:
“Bay leaves, coins, and candle green,
Bring prosperity to this scene.
Money flow and wealth untold,
Come to me, my pot of gold!”
Assemble The Money Pot
Place the 9 bay leaves, 9 coins, and a green candle in the jar. Arrange them in a pleasing pattern. The bay leaves represent money, the coins symbolize actual currency, and the green candle signifies prosperity.
Seal The Money Pot
Put the lid on the jar or tie a ribbon around the rim to seal it. Place the money pot in a location where you see it daily, like an office, living room, or bedroom. This helps you focus your intent and reminds the Universe of your desire.
Light The Candle
Whenever you need a financial boost, light the green candle in your money pot. As it burns, recite the chant again, visualizing money coming into your life. The candle helps magnify the spell’s power and sends your request out to the Universe. Let the candle burn for about 30 minutes. Replace it with a new green candle when needed to keep the spell potent.
This simple money spell combines herb magic, candle magic, and the law of attraction. Do the spell while really focusing and believing, and you’ll start seeing money and chances coming your way. Keep the pot filled with bay leaves and coins to keep that prosperity flowing. It taps into the power of plants and candles, plus the power of positive thinking.
Money Spell #3 – Bay Leaf Money Wash

This money spell uses bay leaves to attract prosperity and fortune. Bay leaves have been used for centuries in witchcraft to bring success, riches and abundance. For this spell, you’ll make a money wash by infusing bay leaves in water. You’ll then use this water to cleanse yourself and your space, opening the doors for money and wealth to flow in.
To begin:
- fill a jar or bottle halfway with spring or distilled water
- add three whole bay leaves, and seal the container. Place it on your altar or in a spot where you’ll see it daily
- leave the bay leaves to infuse in the water for three days
During this time, focus your intent on drawing money and financial success into your life.
After three days, the water is ready to use. You can sprinkle it around the entrances of your home, like doorways and windows. This will open the space for money and opportunity to enter. You can also add a splash of the water to your bath or use it to wash your hands. As you cleanse yourself, visualize money flowing to you and your financial situation improving.
This spell is really easy but also really powerful. Bay leaves naturally attract wealth and prosperity because of their properties. You take the leaves put them in some water, and let them sit for a bit. Then you use that water to cleanse yourself and your space, like take a bath or spray it around. This opens the doors for money to come in.
Make sure to do it when the moon is growing, that’ll make it even stronger. You can repeat it as much as you need to until your finances improve. The bay leaf water combined with focusing on your goal and really wanting it can work financial magic.
How Long Does It Take For A Bay Leaf Money Spell To Work?
There’s no real timeline for when you might start seeing results. It could be a few days, maybe a few weeks, or even a few months before anything happens. A lot depends on the energy you put in and the efforts you make to attract money into your life.
The bay leaves are there to give you a helping hand, but you still have to take real steps, too. Don’t just do the spell and then sit around waiting for cash to land in your lap! You need to take action, like looking for a higher-paying job or side hustle to make more money. The bay leaves will help bring opportunities your way, but you also have to seize them when they come.
Can I Reuse Bay Leaves From A Money Spell?
It is best to use fresh bay leaves for each money spell you perform. Bay leaves that have already been used in a spell have already absorbed and directed your intention, so their power has diminished. For the strongest effects, collect new bay leaves, preferably ones you pick yourself. Charge them in sunlight or moonlight before using them in your spell.
How Do I Dispose of Used Bay Leaves?
After your money spell has achieved its purpose, dispose of the used bay leaves properly. Burning the leaves is a common way to release their energy and symbolize the fulfillment of your intention. You can also bury the used bay leaves near the base of a tree, returning them to the earth. Whichever method you choose, thank the bay leaves for their aid and guidance as you dispose of them.