Have you ever felt like you were born to fight? Like there’s a warrior spirit deep inside you, aching for the heat of battle? You might’ve been a soldier in a past life. For some people, that thirst for combat is burned into their souls across lifetimes.
Check out these signs and see if any ring true for you. Even if you don’t believe in reincarnation, you might start wondering after reading this.
You Feel Drawn To Weapons, Armor, or Camo Patterns
There’s a mysterious pull toward swords, shields, ancient weapons, and the tools of war from bygone eras. You find yourself drawn to legendary military commanders and the pivotal battles that altered the course of civilizations. There’s just something about that era that resonates deep within.
And it’s not just the past that intrigues you. You might have a fascination with camouflage attire, modern armaments, military aircraft, tanks, and combat vehicles too. The entire military realm seems to command your attention and curiosity. It’s as if you were destined to explore the realms of warfare, both ancient and contemporary.
Intense Dreams or Flashbacks
Dreams of battling, wearing armor, or clashing with foes could be glimpses into your past life as a warrior. Take note of symbols, locations, and emotions evoked – they might reveal clues to help rediscover your fighting spirit.
Perhaps you envision yourself charging into combat or defending a fortress. Recurring war scenes or combat flashbacks in dreams can signify echoes of a former life as a soldier.
When we sleep, our minds are wide open, like an inviting summer breeze. Sleep allows our subconscious to reveal what’s usually hidden beneath the surface. Dreams often show what’s going on deep down, even if we’re unaware during our waking hours.
You’re Feeling Drawn To A Particular Time Period
Do you ever get that feeling of déjà vu when you visit certain historical sites or learn about particular eras? You may even feel like you’ve been there before, in another life. It could be that your soul has an strong connection to times like ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, or World War II from experiences in a past incarnation.
For some people, there’s an inexplicable draw to reenacting famous battles or diving deep into the lives of renowned military leaders from those periods. They may have been a soldier or commander themselves once upon a time. Walking through a former concentration camp or old battlefield can feel strangely familiar and comfortable, even though rationally you know you’ve never set foot there in this lifetime.
So if you find yourself magnetically attracted to specific historical events or locations, don’t dismiss it as mere curiosity. Your soul may be trying to reconnect with its roots from the past.
A Thirst For Adventure And Action
If you were a fearless warrior in a past life, that could explain your thirst for adventure and adrenaline-pumping experiences. Back then, you lived on the edge, facing danger head-on with unwavering courage and a willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, and that warrior spirit still burns bright within you today.
While others are content with the mundane routines of everyday life, you can’t help but crave excitement and the chance to push your limits. Each new day is an opportunity to test your mettle and see what you’re truly capable of achieving.
Where most would play it safe, you’re compelled to take risks and live life to the fullest. That daring, adventurous spirit is the enduring legacy of your warrior past.

Strong Sense of Duty or Honor
Do you know that deep-rooted sense of duty you feel? That burning desire to serve something greater than yourself? That’s the warrior spirit within you, carried over from a past life as a soldier.
Back then, your entire purpose revolved around defending and protecting others. Devotion to that duty was everything – you answered the call without hesitation, did whatever was needed. That same fierce loyalty still courses through your veins today.
You can’t ignore that innate drive to champion the underdog, to shield the vulnerable. It’s hardwired into your soul, this unwavering courage and honor that compels you to fight for what’s right, no matter the odds. That’s the legacy of the warrior within, that eternal commitment to a higher calling.
Birthmarks or Physical Characteristics
Do you have any birthmarks or scars on your body that you’ve had since day one? Those could actually be signs of wounds from a previous life. For instance, that “X” shaped birthmark on your chest might’ve been caused by a sword strike back when you were a mighty warrior. Or maybe that mark resembling an arrow puncture on your arm is evidence of an archery injury from an ancient battle. Even having a triangle birthmark could indicate you were a fighter in a past existence!
These kinds of markings often show up in areas that would’ve been exposed or vulnerable during hand-to-hand combat back in the day when people wore armor. Of course, not every birthmark or scar has a past life meaning behind it. But if you’ve got one in a really weird spot that seems out of place, it just might be a remnant from one of your previous adventurous lives kicking butt and taking names.
Hearing Sounds That Aren’t There
When you’ve experienced the horrors of war and combat, those memories can get deeply ingrained in your soul. Even if your conscious mind doesn’t recall the specifics, your body and subconscious mind never truly forget the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and the chaos of battle. So when you hear something that even remotely resembles those terrifying noises, it can trigger an instinctive fight-or-flight response that leaves your heart racing and your palms sweaty.
It’s like your spirit is being transported back to those harrowing moments, reliving the trauma and the overwhelming need to survive. You might find yourself on high alert, scanning your surroundings for any potential threats, even though logically you know you’re safe at home or out running errands. It’s just your warrior spirit kicking into gear, ready to protect you from any perceived danger.
Don’t Suppress Your Warrior Spirit
The life of a past life warrior is no joke – it’s all about being strong, brave, loyal, and willing to make sacrifices. If any of those qualities really speak to you deep down, maybe you were a soldier or fighter in a past life.
We can all channel that inner strength and courage when the going gets rough. We can stand up for our beliefs and fight for what’s right and true. Sure, there might not be any literal battlefields to charge into these days, but life will always throw challenges our way that demand bravery to overcome.