You’ve been seeing a lot of repeating number sequences lately, like 11:11 or 444. It’s almost like they’re following you everywhere. You can’t shake the feeling that there’s some deeper meaning behind these “angel numbers.” That’s because there is!
Angel Numbers x Matrix
Many believe that repetitive number sequences are signs from our guardian angels, guiding us along our path. While I don’t disagree with that view, as a numerologist, I see them as just one piece of the puzzle.
Think of it like this – if you cover yourself in honey, you’ll probably attract many bees! Similarly, when your energy and vibration start to shift or change, you may emit signals that attract “coincidences” or “synchronicities.” To me, angel numbers, pennies on the ground, feathers – all these signs are responding to your new frequency.
You likely wouldn’t notice the numbers if you never left your room, believing it’s all there is. But when you experience growth and change, that’s when you start seeing the patterns.
The matrix is another place where numbers frequently appear. Stuck in the daily grind of work and routine media, it’s like being trapped in that room. But once you break free and see with fresh eyes, your perception opens up.
Escaping the matrix isn’t always easy, but at least you’re living in truth – knowing you alone shape your destiny, not what anyone else tells you. And these patterns are there to guide you. In other words, angel numbers mean your vibe and reality is changing – shifting.
But Why Do So Many People See Them?
I’ve been spending some of my free time scrolling through TikTok lately and I’m really surprised by how many people have started noticing angel numbers. Over the past couple years, it seems like hundreds of thousands of people are spotting them everywhere – on license plates, online, all over the place.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently, and I really think something’s happening here. More and more people want to know the real truth. They’re sick of just getting by, punching the clock for the man every day. And it seems like when their mindset and energy start to shift, that’s when the numbers show up to let them know a change is coming.
Sure, some may see it as a sign from their guardian angels that all is well. But since so many people are seeing it now, I really think it means the whole world itself is transforming.
How To Interpret The Numbers
When you start seeing repeating number patterns frequently, my advice would be to trust your instincts. In numerology, the numbers 1, 11, and 111 are believed to have very powerful meanings. They are often associated with manifestation and positive changes. However, those numbers may signify something different specifically for you and your situation. Rather than searching online for possible interpretations, I encourage you to tune into your intuition and listen to the messages from your inner voice.
Let’s say, for example, that you keep noticing the number 777 everywhere you look. Try this experiment: ask the universe, “Universe, if 777 is a sign that money is coming my way, please show me this number within the next hour.” Or you could say, “Universe, if 777 means I will receive some money, please have me find a penny.” Then, go about your regular activities while paying attention to your surroundings and any responses that come through internally or externally. Listen closely to the guidance from your intuition.
It’s also important to note that angel numbers don’t have only one universal meaning. If 20 people all see the number 888 repeatedly in one day, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will all experience financial freedom or win the lottery. In fact, each person may interpret it differently based on their own situation and what they are focusing on energetically.
We are all spiritual beings with unique energies. For example, seeing 888 could indicate that wealth is coming your way if you’ve been concentrating on financial matters. However, for someone else, 888 might signify that their vibration is rising or that improvements are ahead for their health and well-being.
You hold the key to understanding the significance of any numbers that seem to be showing up frequently for you. The answers lie within your own intuition. Now, it’s a matter of tuning in to decipher the messages and guidance.
Before We Wrap This Up..
Angel numbers are not biblical. The whole idea of “angel numbers” was made up by an American author named Doreen Virtue, who later said she didn’t believe in spiritual stuff or numbers having special meanings anymore. So really, those numbers have nothing to do with real angels or anything divine. I believe they’re just kind of a response from the universe to how you’re doing or progressing at the moment.
Read also: How To Escape The Matrix In Real Life And Live Your Truth