I’m looking at the clock, and it’s 11:11. Then I go on YouTube, and my favorite song has 1.111.111 views. I’m thinking, what are the odds of that? I hop online to see if there’s any meaning behind these repeating numbers. A few articles are in, and I notice they’re all saying the same thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1212 or 5050; all the numbers mean I’m on the right track or going to meet my soulmate soon.
Now I’m starting to wonder if any of this is even real. Because if a phone salesman told me every phone has a great camera and its battery lasts three days, I wouldn’t buy it. Just like every phone is different, every set of repeating numbers has its own unique meaning.
Are Angel Numbers Real?
Let’s get to the point here. Yes, angel numbers are real, and they can really give you a boost of motivation or confirmation that you’re headed in the right direction. Maybe you just recently started noticing them and don’t think much of it yet, but if you’ve been seeing them regularly for years and noticed that something good or bad often seems to happen around the time they start showing up, it’s hard not to think there’s something to them.
The term “angel numbers” was created by Doreen Virtue, an American author who used to believe in seeing repeating numbers as messages from angels. But lately, she’s stopped thinking they’re really from angels (she distances herself from anything spiritual.)
That’s not to say the repeating numbers aren’t real, though. You can call them synchronicities if you want, or spirit numbers. Or just numbers. But don’t get hung up on calling them “angel numbers” just because that was the name coined originally. The main thing is these repeating number patterns seem to mean something.
As a numerologist, people are always asking me if angel numbers are really a thing or not. And you know what, over time, I’ve realized it’s not that they don’t believe in the numbers. It’s because they look them up online, see some interpretation about new love or money coming their way, and then three years go by with nothing changing in their life. That’s why they start to have their doubts!
Why Do All Numbers Mean The Same Thing?
With angel numbers, it’s not as straightforward as your life path or birthday number in numerology. Angel numbers usually take into account the energies of all the digits, like 4 representing stability, 7 being spiritual or lucky, and 2 symbolizing collaboration. But if angel numbers always meant the exact same thing for everyone everywhere, that wouldn’t make much sense since so many people see them daily.
If you’re constantly noticing a particular angel number, my advice would be: don’t just look up what each digit means numerically. Instead, listen to your intuition and try connecting the dots yourself.
- What were you thinking about when you saw the number?
- Were you thinking of a certain person?
- Were you feeling happy or sad?
- Did you notice it right after praying, manifesting something, or going through a breakup?
To me, angel numbers are a bit like chess, but there aren’t strict rules. Even though you know the general meanings, you have to figure out what they personally signify for you using your intuition. Online interpretations can give you an idea, sure, but don’t take them as gospel truth. Your intuition will help you understand what the numbers are really about in your situation.
How Do I Interpret Angel Numbers?
There’s a ton of different information out there about the different numbers and their meanings. Sometimes, I just shake my head at how much conflicting information is on Google.
When I first started noticing angel numbers almost 30 years ago, there was no such thing as Google. I had to figure things out on my own. What I would do is use numerology to help interpret the numbers and really listen to my gut feeling.
I made sure to note down any thoughts I was having at the exact moment I saw each number. Sometimes, I would even meditate on the number to really tap deeper into my intuition and get clearer guidance. That’s pretty much how I still do it today when angel numbers catch my eye.
Angel Numbers Come In Many Shapes And Forms
Just because you’ve been seeing a lot of 6s everywhere or strange combinations like 1290 or 5252, don’t just brush it off as a coincidence – there’s more to it than that. Angel numbers come in all sorts of forms, not just the usual ones everyone talks about, like 1111 or 444.
I remember a time when I was seeing the number 4 constantly. Not just on clocks but in weird places like the number of ducks in the park or leaves on a tree. It eventually hit me that the number 4 was trying to tell me to slow down and find some stability in my life. I was jumping from job to job at that point and really unhappy.
Don’t box yourself in when it comes to numbers. You’re the only one who really knows what they mean for you personally. Don’t limit it to just certain numbers or places – keep an open mind to what the messages might be trying to tell you.