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Astro Corner


Venus Opposite Jupiter In Natal Chart: Life, Love & Money

7 Min Read

Your Venus opposite Jupiter speaks volumes about your personality and relationships. With this opposition, you were born under a lucky star when it comes to…

Saturn Sextile Neptune In Your Natal Chart

6 Min Read

With this planetary pair, you have a natural ability to blend discipline and dreams, reality and imagination. Whatever's in your head is bound to end…

Uranus Opposition Chiron: In Natal Chart, Transit, Synastry

8 Min Read

Feeling like your life is just "one big mess"? That could be Uranus opposing Chiron in your chart. This challenging aspect can really do a…

2nd House Ruler In The 3rd House Explained In Detail

7 Min Read

When your 2nd house ruler lands in your 3rd house, you're in for an interesting ride. This placement can make communication and learning your jam.…

The Aries Man’s Hot And Cold Game: What’s His Deal?

6 Min Read

Aries men are all about that passion - no surprise their astrology thing is ruled by fire. But when they go from all over you…