The internet is a magical place full of information on almost any imaginable topic. There is also an abundance of weird and wacky rumors floating around that will make you double-take. One such theory we came across recently is whether or not cats can see guardian angels. While this may seem like an odd question, it has led to several interesting responses from people who have gathered in online communities to discuss this topic, and many others like it.
Whether you’re the owner of a feline friend or want to learn something new about cats, we’ve got the answers you’re looking for! So keep reading to learn more about whether or not cats can see guardian angels and plenty of other facts related to these unique little creatures.
What Is A Guardian Angel?
First things first, we’ll need to understand what a guardian angel is and how it fits into the bigger picture. The idea of guardian angels comes from the Bible, described as holy spirits who protect and guide human beings. They are also said to act as messengers of God and can only be seen by those they protect.
There are many different visions of guardian angels in the religious lore of both Western and Eastern cultures. In general, though, they are understood as invisible spiritual companions who provide guidance and protection as we journey throughout life.
Can Cats Actually See Guardian Angels?
The presence of angelic beings is not limited to human beings, who manifest a physical body and are subject to the confines of time and space. Therefore, all creatures within creation, including animals, are surrounded by angels that guide and protect them.
Cats, in particular, have a special connection with the angelic realm because of their unique psychic abilities and strong intuition. The feline world deeply connects with angels, spirits, and divine energy. Cats are susceptible to these energies and possess the ability to see into this world. Their instinctual nature and behavior are evidence that they have an innate knowing that we can’t understand, but it is visible to those who have experienced this deep connection firsthand.
Cats are remarkable for their ability to appear out of nowhere suddenly. This is because they exist in both the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm at the same time. Furthermore, their ability to transcend time and space allows them to commune directly with the angelic realm. Therefore, cats can see guardian angels because they can beat time and space and possess a connection with guardian angels and spirits.
Cats are very intuitive creatures; they understand things on a level that we don’t. They can feel the presence of spirit beings around them and recognize them as beings of great power and love. Some cats will take a particular liking to one “ghostly visitor” who seems to hang around them a lot. This is how the cat will know that this spirit is their guide for life.
How Do You Know That Your Cat Has Seen A Guardian Angel?
When cats meet their guardian angels, they purr and cuddle up to them. They know the comfort and love they are receiving. Guardian angels always have a presence of calmness and peace, which cats can sense. They can feel the positive energy, love, and protection being given to them by their guardian angels.
Your cat’s behavior does not change in the presence of guardian angels, except for increased cuddling or loud purring, so it is not easy to know whether or not your cat has seen a guardian angel. On the contrary, if the cat has been in the presence of some dark, bad energy, it will often run away from the room, stare fixedly at one point or hiss unstoppably and be aggressive.
When a cat sees evil spirits or feels negative energies, it reacts differently than when it sees guardian angels. If you’re cat owners and have ever tried giving your cat catnip, you’ve probably noticed that they acted like they were ‘high’ and happy. When an angel is in their presence, they behave similarly.
So, can cats see guardian angels? Yes, they can! However, their behavior does not change in any way when they are in the presence of a guardian angel, so it is not always easy to recognize that they have met a spiritual being.
Cats are very psychic and mysterious creatures, which is one of the reasons why people are so drawn to them. When the energy of love and protection surrounds them, they are happy, even if they don’t show it. However, when they are surrounded by negative dark energy, you can usually tell at first glance. This is manifested by a change in their behavior, such as hissing, growling, or spitting that is not otherwise usual for your cat.