While most people see Halloween as an opportunity to dress up and eat candy, there are some who view the spooky holiday with suspicion. Halloween superstitions date back hundreds of years. Many cultures associate this day with the supernatural, and it’s no surprise why. After all, it is when we dress up as things that go bump in the night!
If you want to enjoy this spooky night without worrying about harmful side effects, read our list of weird but harmless superstitions associated with Halloween and helpful tricks to avoid any nasty “side effects.”

If you stop at a crossroads and listen to the wind, you will discover what the following year has in store for you.
If a girl stands in front of a mirror and eats an apple while combing her hair at midnight on Halloween, she will see a reflection of her future husband in the mirror. She might prefer to peel the apple into one long piece and toss it over her left shoulder. The peel’s shape will indicate the first letter of her future partner’s name.
Other Halloween superstitions:
If you see a spider, do not kill it. It could be the soul of a dead person from your own family.

Touching a logan stone nine times on Halloween night turns you into a witch.

Spend the evening with your pockets turned inside, and no evil spirit will accost you.

If you eat a salted herring before going to bed, your future lover will appear to you in a dream.

A baby born on Halloween is completely protected from evil spirits.

At Halloween, make a dish of mashed potatoes and hide a ring in it. When the potatoes are served, the person who gets the ring will be the first of the group to marry.

On Halloween, name two nuts, one for yourself and the other for your beau, and place them on hot coals; if they burn well, you will marry your beau, but if the nut with his name hops away, he will not marry you.
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If a bat flies near you on Halloween night, it signifies that someone is trying to use witchcraft on you.