Zákon přitažlivosti

The Law of Attraction is based on the principle that like attracts like, so when you think positively about something, you are more likely to attract situations and circumstances that match your thoughts. When you focus on what you don’t want, you are more likely to attract those things into your life as well.


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The Spiritual Meaning Behind Glass Breaking by Itself

Your drinking glass falls off the counter, and breaks on the floor, or a picture…

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Spiritual Meaning of Finding A Lost Earring: Guidance & Luck

You're getting ready in the morning, put on your favorite pair of earrings, and suddenly…

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Hiccups: Spiritual Meaning And Superstitions

Do you ever get those pesky hiccups? They really get in the way of breathing…

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The Spiritual Meaning of Seeing 3 Black Cats: Bad Omen?

You're walking down the street when suddenly, three black cats dart across your path. You…

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Spiritual Meaning of Birthmarks, Moles & Freckles On Your Body

Did you know that birthmarks and moles aren't just random things on our skin? According…

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Smelling Rotten Eggs Randomly? Spiritual Meaning Explained

You walk into your bathroom and are met with an overpowering rotten egg smell. Or…

9 minut čtení