Dolores Cannon, the world-renowned past-life regression therapist, has some insightful wisdom on how to manifest wealth. During her 45 years of exploring past lives and the metaphysical realm, she uncovered some secrets to financial freedom that really work.
Forget what you think you know about money and open your mind. Dolores says that in order to attract money, you have to change your beliefs and your vibration. It’s not about hard work or luck or any of that – it’s all about energy.
Dolores Cannon’s Core Teachings On Money
According to Dolores Cannon, money is merely energy. It flows like water, so you need to tap into the flow. How?
First, Change Your Mindset
When we believe there isn’t enough to go around, it’s easy to feel stressed or worried. But the truth is, when we open our minds to possibility thinking, we realize there really are plenty of resources for all.
I like how it says to know there is enough for everyone. That’s an important thing to internalize. Sometimes, we get caught up comparing ourselves to others or feeling jealous of what others have. But we all have value to offer the world. And when we focus on contribution over competition, on cooperation over scarcity, it helps us see that no one needs to lose for someone else to win. There’s prosperity to go around.
Seeing how our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality is huge, too. What we tell ourselves about life and our place in it ends up becoming our experience. So, it really pays to be conscious of the stories we’re telling ourselves. Instead of doubting ourselves or assuming the worst, we can choose hopeful, optimistic thinking. And over time, that shifts our experiences for the better.
Take Action
Once you change your mindset, you have to take practical steps to live according to your new perspective. Don’t just think differently, you must act differently as well.
Find work that you find truly meaningful and purposeful. Look for ways that you can use your talents and skills to provide real value to others. When you focus first on serving others and solving their problems, the money will start to flow to you almost effortlessly. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to serve that also allow you to generate an income.
Don’t be afraid to get creative, either. Think about your areas of passion or talent, and then explore how you can monetize them. Come up with ideas for how to transform your interests or gifts into a business or career. The key is taking action. Change starts from within, but it must include practical changes in your behaviors and habits as well.

Let Go of Fear And Doubt
Fear and doubt can really get in the way of living an abundant life. When we’re worried about what might happen or whether we’ll have enough, it’s tough to stay open to receiving all the good things the universe wants to give us. But you have so much potential! The future is unwritten, so there’s no point stressing over it.
It’s also true that doubts can be a real blindspot. You ever notice how when you’re feeling down on yourself, you somehow miss chances that are right in front of you? But it doesn’t have to be like that. I think if we can learn to talk to ourselves with more kindness and understanding, we’ll start to see just how capable we really are. And that’s when the opportunities will really start rolling in!
Be Grateful
Appreciate what you have, and more will come. Express gratitude for the money you receive, no matter the amount. Say thank you for all your blessings, and the universe will send more.
Money is a perfect example. No matter how much or little you have, saying thank you for it shows the universe you appreciate what you’ve been given so far. And who knows, maybe that gratitude is what leads to more opportunities that put more money in your pocket down the line.
Pay Yourself First
Put aside money for yourself before paying bills or other expenses. Dolores suggests saving at least 10% of every paycheck. Start with whatever amount you can, then increase it over time as your income rises. This money is for you to spend on whatever you desire, without guilt. It’s a simple way to build wealth and abundance.
Give Freely
What goes around comes around. Give money freely and generously to others, especially to those less fortunate. Help people in need. By giving, you open yourself to receiving more. The energy of money should circulate. Keep it moving through acts of kindness.
Don’t Fear Money
Many people have a fear of money due to negative beliefs and experiences. Dolores says you must release any anxiety, guilt or unworthiness you associate with money. Remind yourself that money is simply a tool, and having more of it allows you to help more people. When you view money through this positive lens, it will start flowing more freely.
Develop An Abundance Mindset
Rather than focusing on what you lack, appreciate what you already have. The more gratitude you feel, the more abundance will flow into your life. Dolores recommends starting each day by listing at least 10 things you’re grateful for. This simple practice can completely transform your financial situation over time.
So why not give Dolores’ advice a try? It doesn’t cost a thing, but taking the time to count your blessings. You might be surprised by how appreciating what you have transforms your day, and, eventually, your finances too.
Bottom Line
Sure, money certainly isn’t everything, but it does provide you with more freedom and options in life. By following Dolores’ advice, you can shift your mindset and habits to manifest more wealth and abundance.
Release any limiting beliefs holding you back, practice gratitude for what you have, and open your mind to new opportunities. Think big and bold, then take action. Start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming about, or ask for that raise at work. The Universe will meet you halfway.
Read also: Dolores Cannon Manifestation Method