Some people have a fascination with castles. These structures are not just man-made fortresses meant to protect a settlement from outside aggressors; they often serve as a physical embodiment of some ideal or aspiration. However, if you are reading this article, it is probably not because you are a fan of castles or architecture in general but rather that you have recently had a dream about the castle.
So, what does it mean to dream about a castle?
A dream about a castle may symbolize your need to surround yourself with protection, security, and peace. You may be feeling threatened or unsafe in your current situation. You may want to surround yourself with a solid protective wall of family or friends to shield you from danger or hurtful situations.
If you are in the process of moving or are planning to move shortly, this dream could mean that you will feel good and safe in your new apartment or house.
Another thing this dream represents is something big in your life that is happening or will happen. As the castle symbolizes protection, strength, authority, dominance, and wealth, it could be a change related to the wedding or, for example, a more significant amount of money.
The meaning of this dream varies depending on what you did in the castle, how you felt or who you were with. For example, if you were hiding there from something, it could mean you are worried about your privacy, or you are afraid of competition. If you were happy there or ate food with other people at the big table, you will be satisfied in your “new life” (e.g., after a wedding) and achieve what you desire. If you were standing outside and looking at the castle from a distance, it could indicate your desire for luxury life and wealth or for the person who would care for you.
Bottom Line
The dream is the mirror of your unconscious mind. So interpret it in light of its symbolism or whatever meaning you give to it. The symbolism provides your lesson, and it is up to you to figure out how to deal with the dream in your waking life. So never take any dream literally because a dream can have many meanings, and each one interprets it differently.
Are you interested in another dream interpretation? Visit our dream dictionary.