Last month, I was sitting, minding my own business, when a sudden cool breeze brushed against my skin. It felt refreshing but almost unnatural given the stuffy room I was in. But after being into spirituality for so long, I knew right away what was up.
Unexpected Cool Breezes
There’s an old belief that cool breezes can carry messages from heaven. A refreshing wind might be your guardian angel trying to get your attention or show you their approval. Sometimes, it’s through little signs like finding a white feather or noticing repetitive numbers. But other times, it’s just the feeling of a chill in the air.
Think about it – a warm summer day and then all of a sudden you, feel a cool draft. I don’t think those breezes would send any other message besides “We’re here with you.” They want you to know you’re never alone, even when it feels like it. The angels are watching over you, so don’t be afraid. Just open your heart and feel that chill.
A Shift In Energy or Awakening
A spontaneous cool breeze can indicate a positive shift in energy or a spiritual awakening of some kind. It’s thought these breezes signify you’re opening up to new ideas, vibrations or levels of consciousness. Take it as a sign you’re exactly where you are supposed to be.
I know what you’re thinking – it’s probably just the wind. But for a lot of people, those little breezes give them comfort or inspiration, almost like a sign from beyond. And who am I to say they’re not getting a message? If feeling that breeze makes someone feel good inside, why shouldn’t they believe it means something?
Even if there is a totally normal explanation, those breezes still serve a purpose I think. They remind us to take a breath, be present in the moment. Just take a minute and appreciate how the air feels on your face.
The Presence of A Loved One
The souls of loved ones who have passed on are thought to sometimes make their presence known through mysterious breezes. If you suddenly feel a cool wind swirl around you for no reason, it may be your dear departed letting you know they’re still with you.
Your loved ones on the other side want you to know they’re still with you. Producing a cool breeze is an easy way for them to get your attention and reassure you of their presence. Pay attention to what you were thinking about or doing right before you felt the coolness. It may have been your loved one’s way of affirming that thought or activity.
Spirits also use signs like a cool breeze to send you a message or provide guidance. Think about if the wind reminded you of anything – a happy memory, feeling refreshed. It could be them trying to connect with you through your memories.
Someone Is Thinking of You
Feeling a cold breeze or “spiritual chills” could be a sign that someone is thinking about you. In the spiritual world, the energy we emit can transcend physical barriers. And when someone directs their thoughts towards you, especially if they feel a strong emotional connection, their energy can manifest as a physical sensation for you.
I know science hasn’t totally figured out why we sometimes feel things in our bodies that match what another person is thinking. But it does make you realize we might be more connected with each other’s energies than we know. Getting a chill when you’re not actually cold could be a little reminder of how deeply we bond with certain people in our lives, and a nudge to nurture those ties.
Ghost or Angel?
Many people often assume a cool breeze means a ghost or bad vibes, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. When any kind of energy is present, it can cause the temperature to drop and give you chills. But instead of assuming the worst, pay attention to your feelings. Do you feel at peace when the air gets cool? There’s a good chance your guardian angels are around you. Or does someone specific come to mind? It’s possible they’re thinking of you in that moment. Rather than fear, I try to see signs like that as connections with loved ones, seen and unseen.