Have you been waiting for the first full moon of 2024? Well, the wait is almost over. On January 25th, the Wolf Moon will rise in all its glory. This full moon got its name from early Native Americans who noted that wolf packs howled more often during the full moon in January. Whether or not the wolves are really howling more, this lunar event is a sight to behold.
To make things even more interesting, Mercury also goes direct on January 1st, ending its retrograde period. With Mercury moving forward again, communication mishaps and tech troubles should start to clear up. By the time the Wolf Moon rises, we’ll be ready to howl at the moon and unleash our wild side!
When Is The First Full Moon In 2024?
The first full moon of 2024 rises on January 25th at 12:54 P.M. EST in the zodiac sign of Leo. Known as the Wolf Moon, this lunar event gets its name from Native American tribes who said wolves would howl outside villages during the cold winter month.
After the new year begins, the skies will start to brighten as the days gradually lengthen. By the time the Wolf Moon rises, you’ll have an extra half hour of daylight compared to early January. The increasing illumination means you’ll have more opportunities to spot the moon rising in the east around sunset.
When the Wolf Moon becomes completely illuminated, it will shine brightly all through the night, casting shadows on the ground below. Gaze up at the glowing orb to appreciate its pearly radiance and striking craters. The sight is a peaceful respite during a month when temperatures are often at their lowest.
Mercury Goes Direct In January
Mercury also goes direct on January 1st, ending its retrograde phase. With the planet of communication no longer appearing to move backward, the full moon is an opportune time to have heartfelt discussions and come to a place of understanding.
The Wolf Moon reminds us that even in the darkest, coldest parts of winter, light returns, and life begins anew. Use its radiant beams to reflect on your goals and renew your motivation. Though challenging times may lie ahead, inner strength and perseverance will see you through.
What to Expect During The January 2024 Full Wolf Moon
The January 2024 full Wolf Moon is going to be an impactful one. This moon phase marks the peak of winter, so you can expect the coldest temperatures of the season. But the winter solstice has already passed, so daylight hours will slowly start to increase again after this full moon.
Moon In Leo
The Full Wolf Moon will be in the passionate and fiery sign of Leo. Leo energy is all about creativity, confidence, warmth and joy, so harness this lunar energy by doing things that make you feel alive.
Pick up an art project you’ve been meaning to finish or start something new. Dance, sing, write, paint – do whatever stirs your creative spirit. Leo’s energy wants self-expression, so let it out!
When it comes to relationships, it’s usually best to keep your mouth shut and not say anything you might regret later. And if you do feel the need to say something, really think twice about it before letting the words out of your mouth. Leos can be super passionate, which sometimes leads to acting without thinking things through. It’s just a good idea to pause and consider how what you say might come across before opening your mouth, especially when emotions are running high during the full moon.
The Wolf Moon In Native American Culture

The full Wolf Moon holds special significance in Native American culture. For tribes like the Algonquin, January’s full moon signaled a time when wolves would howl hungrily outside villages. The moon’s light reflecting off the snow made hunters more visible to their prey, causing the wolves hunting could see better when they were out looking for food.
The Wolf Moon marked a difficult season, as food sources were scarce during midwinter. The Algonquin and other tribes held special ceremonies and feasts to honor the Wolf during this moon. They saw the wolf as a symbol of courage, wisdom, and loyalty to family and community. Howling at the moon was thought to scare away evil spirits in some tribes.
Some Native Americans saw the Wolf Moon as a time of renewal as the new year began. The moon signified coming out of the darkness, both literally and metaphorically. The nights were still long, but daylight was slowly increasing. The tribes looked to the wolf’s resilience and teamwork as inspiration to band together during this harsh season.
Full Moon Rituals For The January 2024 Wolf Moon
The January 25th, 2024, Full Wolf Moon is a time for spiritual connection and manifestation. With Mercury going direct on January 1st, this moon is perfect for releasing what no longer serves you and setting intentions for the new year ahead.
Cut Your Hair
This is a great time to cut your hair short if you want it to grow thicker and stronger in the coming months. Hair growth cycles follow the lunar cycle, with hair roots becoming most active as the moon waxes full and then resting as it wanes.
Cutting your hair before a full moon in Leo, a passionate fire sign, can give your hair new life and vigor as the lunar energies stimulate hair follicle activity. The Leo moon will infuse your haircut with creative and nurturing life force energy that promotes hair growth. So consider treating yourself to a trim or style change before this upcoming full moon on January 25th.
Releasing Ritual
On the night of the full moon, light a white candle and sage your space to clear any negative energy. Sit in a quiet place and reflect on what you want to release from the past year – things like unhealthy relationships, bad habits, or situations that are no longer working for your highest good. Write down what comes to mind on a piece of paper. When you’re done, burn the paper in a fireproof container while focusing your intention. As the paper burns, visualize yourself breaking free from these energies. Feel a sense of lightness and renewal wash over you.
New Year Intention Setting
The January moon is also an optimal time for New Year intention setting. Think about what you want to attract for the year ahead in all areas of your life – relationships, career, health, finances, personal growth, etc. Write your intentions down clearly and specifically on another sheet of paper. Place this under the light of the full moon to charge and activate your desires. Keep this paper in a safe place as a reminder of what you want to manifest over the next 12 months. Review your list regularly and take action steps each month to move closer to your goals.
Moon Water & Crystals
Make moon water by filling a jar with water and leaving it under the light of the full moon overnight. Drink the moon water over the next month to absorb the potent energies. Clear quartz, moonstone, and citrine are excellent crystals to work with during this full moon. Place them around your home or carry them with you to amplify your rituals and intentions.
This powerful January moon is a time for new beginnings. Tap into its energies to start 2024 off right by releasing the past and setting a clear vision for your future. The manifestations and opportunities this moon brings will set the tone for your whole year. Make the most of this magical night!
Final Words
The start of 2024 is primed for new beginnings. Use that lunar energy to reflect on the past year and set powerful intentions for the one ahead. Start new creative projects, have important conversations you’ve been putting off, and take a step toward your biggest dreams. The universe will be supporting you, so take advantage of this celestial push forward. 2024 is your year, and the Wolf Moon is guiding your way.