You’ve been putting in work trying to get that Scorpio man’s attention. Always texting first, planning dates, letting him know you care. But it feels one-sided. You’re starting to wonder, should I just stop chasing him and see what happens?
Before you ghost him, let’s talk. As a Scorpio, I get it. We can be, well, complex. But we love passion and effort. If you walk away now, he may not come running after you. However, pulling back could make him realize what he’s missing. So what happens when you stop chasing a Scorpio man?
He’ll “Observe” You From Distance
Once you stop reaching out to him, a Scorpio man will become curious about what’s going on in your life. He may start viewing your social media stories and liking your posts more often. This is his way of checking in without actually contacting you.

Don’t post anything intentionally meant for him to see, though. Continue sharing your usual photos and updates. Playing games will only annoy him. A Scorpio man wants to feel like he has some power or influence over you.
By watching your social media, he can see if you seem to be moving on happily without him or if you appear sad and lonely. If you look like you’re thriving, it may bruise his ego a bit. He expected you to keep chasing him, so your seeming indifference will spark his interest again.
The more mysterious and independent you seem, the more he’ll want you back. But the ball is in your court, so make him work for your affection and commit to you fully if he wants another chance. Once a Scorpio man recommits, he’s usually in it for the long haul.
The “Realization” Phase

As soon as you stop chasing your Scorpio man, he’ll suddenly realize you’ve gone silent. At first, he might enjoy the peace and quiet. But soon, he’ll start to wonder why he hasn’t heard from you. Scorpio men hate mysteries and the unknown, so your lack of contact will puzzle him endlessly.
After a few days without communication from you, that Scorpio man will start to miss your company. He’s used to your messages, calls and affection, so their absence will feel strange. Scorpio men get attached to people who are consistently present in their lives. Now that you’ve disappeared, he’ll realize how much he enjoyed your presence and interactions.
The astrological Scorpions are intensely curious, especially about things that directly affect them. Your sudden lack of interest will seem bizarre and out of character to him. He’ll want to know why you stopped reaching out and what’s going on in your life. His desire for answers may eventually prompt him to contact you to satisfy his curiosity.
When he does reach out, remain friendly but slightly aloof. Let him do most of the talking and questioning. Keep things light and casual, then politely end the conversation after a few minutes. Maintaining your distance will make this Scorpio man even more determined to figure you out. He can’t stand mysteries, so he’ll keep coming back for more until he solves the puzzle.
He’ll Be Interested In You

Believe it or not, he may suddenly become very interested in you again. Scorpios love mystery and challenge, so when you withdraw your attention, it intrigues him. He’ll want to know why you’re no longer fawning over him.
Expect your Scorpio to send you a message after a few days of radio silence, just to gauge your reaction. He may ask how you’re doing or suggest meeting up. Don’t seem too eager to respond or make plans. Respond casually, but take your time. Let him know you have other plans or commitments before agreeing to meet. This aloofness will drive him crazy in a good way.
When you do meet or talk again, get ready for your Scorpio man to pour on his irresistible charm. He’ll want to pull you back into his orbit, so expect compliments, intense eye contact, playful jokes, and lots of flirting. Stand your ground, and don’t give in too easily. While it’s ok to flirt back and have fun, maintain some independence. Keep other plans with friends or suggest dating other people. The more elusive you seem, the more he’ll want you.
He May Come Back Around Once You Stop Pursuing Him

When you stop chasing him, he’s bound to notice the shift. These guys really value their freedom and don’t like feeling crowded, so giving him some space will definitely be appreciated. He might even start missing you and the attention you used to give him. Don’t be surprised if he reaches out after a few days or weeks just to check-in. That’s a sign he’s realized you’re not around as much and wants to know what you’ve been up to.
Once a Scorpio has had some time on his own, he’ll gain a fresh perspective on your relationship. He may start understanding what he’s been missing without you. Being a little hard to get can actually make you seem more interesting and desirable to a Scorpio. When he sees you living your best life without him, it could really rekindle his passion and attraction for you. These guys are drawn to independent partners, so show him you’ve got your own thing going.
There’s a reason Scorpios are associated with passion – they tend to intensely value whatever they can’t have or seems just out of their reach. By no longer being so available and eager to please him, you embody an air of unattainability that Scorpios find magnetic. Don’t be surprised if he comes back around expressing how much he misses you and wants to reconnect.
If a Scorpio man was not actually interested in you romantically, then dropping the chase will simply result in the connection fading away. Scorpio men do not engage in casual encounters or waste time on interactions they deem unimportant. So, if he viewed you as just a temporary distraction or short-term ego boost, he will not put in effort to revive the dynamic once you stop giving him attention and affection.
Do not expect grand gestures, heartfelt apologies or second chances from an uninterested Scorpio male. He will just move on to something or someone else that captivates his interest. The Scorpio man operates in extremes – either he is all in or all out. There are no lukewarm or half-hearted attempts with this sign.
My Advice
Stop chasing that Scorpio man and see what happens. Chances are, if he’s really feeling you, too, he’ll come around again soon. But if he doesn’t, then you probably weren’t that compatible anyway. The thing is, you don’t want to come on too strong and scare him off. Play it chill for now – go do your thing and let him be the one to hit you up next. Trust me, playing it cool is the way to go here.