How many soulmates do you think you could have in this lifetime? One? Two? Maybe just a handful? Well, what if I told you the number of soulmates you can have is limitless! It’s true – you can have as many soulmates as you’re open to finding. Here’s why.
Soulmates In My Own Words
A soulmate is someone you just click with on a really deep level. It’s like you can read each other’s minds and you just understand each other in a way that’s hard to describe. When you meet your soulmate, it feels like you’ve known them your whole life even if you just met.
There’s this intense connection between you where you really care about each other and can sense what the other is feeling. It goes way beyond just the physical stuff, it’s this bond at the soul level. Age? Race? Skin color? Gender? None of that matters.

Not Just Romantic
Soulmates don’t always have to be romantic partners. Your best friend or a family member could totally be your soulmate too. At the end of the day, soulmate relationships are all about that deep connection with someone and truly understanding each other. Doesn’t matter if it’s romantic or not – a soulmate will make your life so much richer just by being in it.
A Journey, Not A Destination
A soulmate connection isn’t about reaching some finish line together. It’s about traveling through life side by side, experiencing all the highs and lows. Sure, at first there may be fireworks when you meet someone. But true soulmates evolve together over the long run through good communication, being there for each other, accepting each other for who you are, and sharing what life brings you. They walk alongside one another as equals, each making the other an even better person.
Finding your soulmate or soulmates is really one of the best things about living. Having that deep bond with someone who truly sees you for you – flaws and all – and supports you completely while you do the same for them. Now, that’s what it means to connect with someone on that level.
You Can Have Multiple Soulmates
Despite what many people believe, you can have more than one soulmate. Each soulmate relationship fulfills you in different ways. They aren’t necessarily people you date – they’re more like people who get you on a deeper level. And I don’t think your soul cares how many of those people there are!
Each relationship helps you grow but in different ways. A romantic soulmate could bring that passion and intimacy. But your soulmate friend provides a really deep friendship. And having multiple people like that in your life shows how much love and connection a person is capable of.

Your Soulmates Come Into Your Life When You Need Them
I really believe we meet certain people for a reason. Sometimes, when you’re going through something, someone will come into your life that’s meant to help you through it. Maybe you need someone to teach you patience, or bring some fun and excitement. And our lives are always changing so it makes sense we’d need different people at different times.
I don’t think soulmates have to be a forever thing, either. Someone might pop into your world just to show you something real quick and then move on. That’s okay, too, because it’s all about the learning. Other relationships are built to last though. No matter what, I think we find the people we need, when we need them.
Each Soulmate Relationship Serves A Purpose
No two soulmate relationships are the same. One might be intensely romantic, another purely platonic. One could be a lifelong partner, another a brief but impactful encounter. The purpose and form may vary, but in each case there are meaningful lessons and growth to be gained.

You Evolve, So Do Your Soulmates
As we go through life, we’re constantly changing and growing as people, right? The things we want and need from a partner change with us. Like that free spirit artist you were into at 20 probably isn’t the best match for who you become at 40. But there could be someone new waiting in the wings, another soulmate, to join you on the next part of your journey.
Soulmates help us discover new things about ourselves and help us be better versions of us. If you’re open to possibilities, you’ll find the universe can send as many kindred spirits your way as it wants. You might have one soulmate or ten soulmates – there’s no limit to how many soulmates you can have in life.
Keep An Open Mind
Give your full heart to others and share your talents with everyone you meet. Don’t put pressure on finding “the one,” you’ve got endless potential for real soul connections if you let go of what you think love should look like. Keep an open mind, too – anyone could become a soulmate if you take the time to see them with compassion.
Read also: Signs You Met Your Soulmate At The Wrong Time