Horary astrology is a type of astrology that answers specific questions by looking at a chart made for the exact time the question was asked. To understand the basics, we need to look at the important parts and rules that horary astrology is built on.
Horary Astrology For Beginners
At the heart of horary astrology lies the horary chart. This celestial snapshot captures the positions of planets and celestial bodies at the precise moment a question is posed.
The chart acts like a map of the sky. It can give you hidden clues and possible answers about whatever question you’re wondering about.
Let’s say you want to travel abroad but are unsure if it’s safe. To get insight, in your mind, ask, “Is it safe to travel there?”. Then, make a horary chart using the exact time you asked the question. If you asked on December 11, 2024, at 10:15, use that time. The chart maps the sky at that time and may provide guidance on whether travel seems advisable or not.

Planetary Rulers And Houses
In horary astrology, each area of the chart represents a different part of life. The planets stand for different people or things involved in the question being asked:
- First House (Ascendant): Represents the querent (the person asking the question), their physical appearance, health, and overall condition. It can also signify the beginning of the matter in question.
- Second House: Concerns material possessions, money, personal finances, and resources. It also reflects the querent’s self-worth and value system. It also represents movable possessions, including lost items. Its ruler and planets within it give clues to the location of the item.
- Third House: Relates to communication, siblings, neighbors, short trips, and local environments. It can also signify messages, contracts, and letters in a horary question.
- Fourth House: Represents the home, family, and domestic matters. It also signifies land, property, and one’s roots or ancestry. In horary, it can also indicate the outcome of the matter, depending on the question. Also, it represents the ground, home, and hidden places, including storage areas or basements. It’s often useful when the item is lost inside your home.
- Fifth House: Deals with children, creativity, romance, pleasure, and leisure activities. It also governs hobbies, entertainment, and speculative ventures like gambling.
- Sixth House: Associated with work, health, daily routines, and service. It governs jobs, employees, and pets, as well as issues related to illness and healing. It can also signify mundane or everyday places, like the laundry room, pets’ areas, or places of service and routine.
- Seventh House: Represents partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. In horary, it signifies the other party in relationships, whether personal, business, or legal disputes. It’s also the house of contracts and agreements.
- Eighth House: Governs other people’s money, shared resources, taxes, inheritances, and debts. It also deals with issues of death, transformation, and endings, including deep psychological matters.
- Ninth House: Rules long-distance travel, higher education, philosophy, religion, and legal matters. It governs foreign affairs, publishing, and spiritual beliefs.
- Tenth House: Represents career, public standing, reputation, and authority. It indicates one’s ambitions and achievements, and in horary astrology, it’s often tied to questions about professional success or the outcome of important matters.
- Eleventh House: Associated with friends, groups, social networks, and hopes for the future. It represents collective endeavors and support from others, including benefactors or sponsors.
- Twelfth House: Governs hidden matters, secrets, and things that are concealed. It deals with isolation, confinement, self-undoing, and spiritual enlightenment. This house can also represent enemies working in secret, mental health issues, and large institutions like hospitals or prisons.
How To Construct A Horary Chart
To construct a horary chart, you’ll need some key details. Make sure to write down the exact time and place when the question came up or when you started working on the chart. Being precise about the timing is super important. That’s because the positions of the planets and stars at that moment will provide the basis for your reading and interpretation.
Calculate Planetary Positions
To understand horary astrology better, it’s helpful to manually calculate planet positions based on date, time, and location instead of just relying on software. However, if you are new to astrology, you can go to astro-seek to calculate it.
Pay close attention to the important angles in the birth chart – the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and Imum Coeli. These angles represent the rising, culminating, setting, and lowest points of the sky. Seeing how the planets are arranged relative to these angles will give you a deeper insight into how horary astrology is interpreted.
Place Houses And Analyze Aspects
Each section of the chart represents a different part of life and will be important for understanding the question. Look at how the planets are connected. See if any are very close together (conjunction), directly across from each other (opposition), or forming triangles (trines) squares or linked up every 60 degrees (sextiles). The connections between the planets will give us subtle clues into what’s going on for the person asking.
Identify Significators
Figure out the main players – planets or points that represent the person asking the question (the querent) and what they’re asking about (the quesited). The planet that rules the rising sign often represents the querent, while the ruler of the house related to the question topic usually represents the quesited. Knowing who these key players are is important for getting the interpretation right.

Horary Rules
Horary astrology has specific rules that guide interpretation. One thing to watch out for is the “void of course” Moon. This means the Moon isn’t connecting to any other planets after it moves signs. So it could mean nothing will come from the situation you asked about.
It’s also important to look at the houses. The 1st house represents you, the person asking the question. The other houses then connect to different parts of life, like relationships, work, health, and so on.
Be aware of if planets are moving toward or away from each other too. Planets getting closer to an alignment with another planet, called an applying aspect, may point to future events. But if they’re moving away from an alignment, called a separating aspect, it could relate to past experiences or missed chances.
Questions To Ask
You can ask many different types of questions in horary astrology. The question needs to be specific, clear, and about something important happening right now. The astrologer draws up a birth chart for the exact moment you ask the question. Then they look at where the planets and houses are positioned at that time. Here are some common questions people ask:
Relationship Questions
- Will I get back together with my ex?
- Does this person love me?
- Is my partner being faithful?
- Should I enter into a relationship with this person?
- Is this relationship long-term?
Career And Work
- Will I get the job I applied for?
- Is this job opportunity good for me?
- Will I receive a promotion at work?
- Should I change my career?
- Is my boss supportive of me?
Financial Matters
- Will I receive the loan I applied for?
- Will I inherit money from a family member?
- Will my business be successful?
- Is this investment going to pay off?
- Can I trust this business partner?
Property And Real Estate
- Should I buy this house?
- Will I sell my property soon?
- Is this a good time to move?
- Will my house increase in value?
- Will I recover from this illness?
- Should I go ahead with this surgery?
- Is my health condition serious?
- Is this treatment the right one for me?
Lost Items
- Where is my lost item?
- Will I find my lost pet?
- Will my stolen item be returned to me?
- Will my trip be successful?
- Should I travel at this time?
- Is it safe to travel to this location?
Legal Matters
- Will I win this court case?
- Should I file a lawsuit?
- Is my lawyer competent?
Family And Children
- Will I have children?
- Is my child healthy?
- Will my family conflict be resolved?
Timing of Events
- When will I get married?
- When will I find a new job?
- When will I move to a new house?
- When will I receive the money owed to me?
Spiritual And Personal Development
- Am I on the right spiritual path?
- Will I find a spiritual teacher or guide?
- Should I pursue this spiritual practice?
General Yes/No Questions
- Will this project be successful?
- Should I accept this offer?
- Will I get into this school or program?
When asking a horary astrology question, it’s important to be very clear and specific. The question should be about something meaningful to you, where you need a clear answer or guidance. Being vague won’t help get an accurate response.
Let’s say you have a friend and you live in different countries now. Things have felt kind of distant between you two lately. The communication has slowed down and you’re not sure if you should keep trying with this friendship or just unfollow them on social media and move on.
To help get some insight, you asked about it on October 16th, 2024 at 9:06 am in Stockholm, Sweden. Astrologers would create a birth chart for that exact date, time, and location to represent the moment you asked the question. Then they’d analyze the different planets and angles in the chart to understand what it might suggest about having one last conversation with your friend or just leaving it be. The chart would provide some guidance on the best path forward.

In this horary chart, it seems like this situation is very personal for you. You are represented by Mars in Cancer in the ninth house. Your friend is represented by Venus in Scorpio in the first house. This means your friend, in Scorpio, may have a better idea of how you truly feel than you realize. The ascendant in Scorpio makes this a deep, emotional matter for you specifically.
Key aspects:
- With Mars square Sun, there could be an internal struggle between taking initiative and keeping the peace. You might feel pulled between acting and staying calm. A direct showdown may not solve things in the way you want. It could be better to look for another approach that doesn’t involve a big confrontation.
- Venus trine Mars means there’s still some good energy between you two. This aspect shows the relationship isn’t totally ruined and things could improve smoothly if you both handle things the right way.
- With the Moon in Aries in your 5th house, your emotions can change quickly. You may feel impulsive about activities and what to do for fun. Since the Moon also rules your 9th house, there is likely emotional and physical distance between you and the other person. The Moon’s position suggests a lack of closeness.
- Saturn in the 4th house may indicate feeling restricted or tied to old emotional patterns, possibly advising a more cautious, structured approach.
- The Mars-Sun square warns that having a final talk could lead to more frustration. Venus trine Mars, however, suggests there’s still an opportunity for some resolution or smoother disengagement. The Moon’s placement also speaks to emotional independence.
It’s probably best if you remove yourself from the situation and leave, rather than having a final confrontation. That could just cause unnecessary drama. However, the positive astrological aspects indicate that if you do need to go your separate ways, you can part on good terms without things getting worse.
How Often Can I Ask Horary Questions?
While some may think you can cast horary charts for any little thing, experienced astrologers say differently. Horary astrology works best when you use it for questions that really matter to you. If you do it too much, the readings may not make sense or contradict each other. Most say you should only do it for important things and give time in between to think about the answers and take action.